Chapter 28

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***School sucks actual ass/// but anyway my moms friend won tickets to c Bruno mars next Thursday so I'm excited, I wanted to get tickets to c him***
-Fast forward 2 years-
-Feb 3rd-

I spent most of the day in the studio, probably going to drop a new single soon. Jessica wasn't feeling well, so she was resting in the apartment. Something about her stomach hurting, and feeling nauseous. I should've stayed home with her, but I didn't and that was a mistake. Our choices can be lifesaving, life changing. We don't always know what the outcome of our choices will be and I wish this one was different.

I didn't think anything bad would come from it, but I was horribly wrong. The sight took my breath away, I found myself gasping for air. Was what I was seeing real, it had to be, I couldn't peel my eyes away from what was in front of me.

I came home to an empty, quiet apartment. I knew something was wrong the minute I stepped inside. She didn't open the door when I knocked, causing me to fish my keys out of my pocket. I could see the bathroom door was closed. I tried the knob, locked. I knocked on it, no answer. Something was very wrong.

Once 5 minutes passed and there was no answer, I decided I'd kick down the door. It might seem a bit dramatic, but something told me there was something wrong. So I used all my force to kick the door down and what I saw, sent a shiver down my spine.

There was Jessica lying in the bathtub, her wrists slit, blood dripping down the side of the tub. I ran out of the bathroom, and quickly picked my phone off of the table. I dialed 999 as fast I could, I could barely form coherent words. I gave the operator my apartment address, my voice shaky. I ran back into the bathroom, my phone on speaker.

"What should I do," I cried into the phone.

"You have to try and stop the bleeding. "

"How," I cried out my voice cracking. My love was dying and I had to save her. I had to be her Prince Charming, but sadly a kiss would not be enough. I grabbed one of the towels wrapping it around one of her arms, I took the medical tape in our cabinet and wrapped it as tightly around her arm as I could. How could she do this to me, to us, but was this her? Did she really want to end her life? I wasn't losing my wife, not today, not ever. I'm nothing without her. I soon heard sirens outside of the house. I opened the door for the paramedics, they brought in a stretcher. I got out of their way as they made their way into the bathroom. My heart was pounding so hard, I'm sure they could hear it.

"What happened," one of them asked me.

My words were jumbled, "I don't know, I came home and I knew something was wrong. I kicked down the bathroom door and saw her lying there," I explain.

One of the paramedics came out with two things in his hand. A piece of paper and a small plastic rod.

A suicide note and a... pregnancy test.

"She couldn't have done this, it had to be someone else," I said trying to convince myself she loved me too much to do this.

I took the paper in my hands, I could barely hold it because I was shaking so much.

"Would you like to come in," one of them asked me.

"Yes," I say nodding my head and grabbing my phone.

I sat next to her reading her note, my heart breaking with every second that passed. I grabbed her hand that was ice cold. I wanted to ask if she was going to make it, but I think I was too afraid of what the answer would be.

Her note made it sound like, she didn't want this to happen, but who was it then? My mind instantly goes to Mr.Smith, but isn't he still locked up? Unless he escaped, but wouldn't Kenneth call us? It had to be him, though. Who else would it be?

What about the pregnancy test, was it positive, were we having a baby.

Can I see the pregnancy test, please," I asked.


I clutched it in my hands, there were two lines, she was pregnant. We were having a child.

We arrived at the hospital, they rushed her in. I followed behind, wiping the tears from my eyes. I had to call her dad, but how could I find the words to tell him what happened.

I first decided to call detective Kenneth. He picked up on the second ring.

"Niall, what can I do for you?"

"I have an important question for you," I started off.


"Did Mr.Smith escape, Jessica is in the hospital?"

"Let me make a few calls, I'll get back to you," he says, the line going silent.

How could they not tell him or us for that matter if he escaped?

I waited as time ticked by slowly. I silently prayed that she was going to pull through, and that we could continue our lives and live happily. Start a family. She was pregnant, we were having a child. I didn't care if it was a boy or girl, I'd be happy with either. I've always wanted a little girl, or a son I could play catch with. But this would only happen if she survives. If not, my life is over, I'm nobody, I'm broken. I don't know how I'd pull myself together if she were to die. I hated not being sure. My wife was in there fighting for her life.

My phone started to ring, I looked at the caller ID, Kenneth. I instantly answered it.

"He's out, Niall, he's free. I don't know how this happened, or why I wasn't called," Kenneth tells me.

Those words, crush me. This had to be him.

"So, this had to be him," I confirm.

"Wait Niall, what hospital are you at, I'm coming right now," he asks.

"St.Francis," I'm on the 3rd floor, room 312," I tell him.

"On my way," that was the last thing he said before hanging up.

She's been in surgery for the past hour and a half. I found one of the doctors. I needed an update right now.

"How is she," I asked hopelessly.

The end. 


Actually jk.

Honestly tempted to end the book right here... but I have a few more ideas. Updated 10.4.17

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