Chapter 21

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I don't really know how graduations work so yeah.
-fast forward 5 years-
-June 7-
Today is the day, I'm finally graduating college. It's been a long painful journey, but I've done it. I don't know how I did it, but I did it. Nothing crazy has really happened which is good. My father is still rotting in prison where hopefully he'll stay. Everyone I love is still with me, which is a very good thing. My last name comes pretty early in the alphabet so I probably won't have to stand for very long.

They start reading the names as I spot my loved ones in the crowd. I'm not sure why they have to read their middle names too, like who cares. It just makes this process even more painful. My legs are hurting. I don't have it as bad as a lot of others though. After about a hundred years they finish reading through the A names. My name comes early in the C's which makes it even better. There's like 5 people in front of me. It's still hard for me to take this all in. Like I did it this is me. I hope I made my parents proud. I wish my mom was here to see me, but she's probably smiling down on me from heaven. I sometimes wish I could join her, because my life honestly depresses me at times. But you only live once, right? Today is supposed to be a happy day, right? I want to be happy, more than anything. I like to smile. I used to be so happy before this happened. Being sad isn't fun. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear my name. I stand up straighter and walk across the stage I reach for my diploma and shake the person's hand. I look to the crowd and give them the widest smile while holding my diploma above my head.

"Thank you," I say walking across the stage. It's just a beautiful day out, the sun is shining so bright and there's not a cloud in the sky. I join the group of people who have already got their diplomas. I start to talk to a few of my friends. Niall walks over to me.

"I'm so proud of you," he says while putting his hands on my waist. I give him a big hug.

"Thank you for sticking with me," I praise a few tears slipping out of my eyes, happy tears, though.

"You did it," he says against my lips.

"I did."

I can't stop smiling because this is really happening. I did it, it seems so surreal. The rest of the group joins us, Susan engulfs me in a hug.

"I'm so proud of you," she mumbles into my shoulder. More tears prick my eyes. We disconnect.

"I'm so proud of you babygirl," my dad tells me giving me a hug and a kiss on the head.

"I love you," I cry into his leather jacket.

"I love you, too," he says back.

The rest of the boys, Luke, and Tom congratulate me and give me a hug. I wipe under my eyes. I'm so lucky to have the best support in the world. I'm done with school forever. I'm officially an adult now which scares the shit out of me. Now I have responsibilities, I mean I've always had responsibilities, but like for real now. I've grown up too fast. I wish I could go back. I would in a heartbeat, only if I could start over. I know I can't, but it's nice to think about. I like daydreaming. It's like an alternate reality that won't come true, but it's nice to forget for a little.

Niall takes me out of my thoughts, "Jessica, we're gonna get some lunch."

I take his hand in mine as we leave, I say bye to my friends. Kirstin and Skyla graduated last year and they are here too, standing separately from the rest of the group. I talked to them for a bit before.

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