Chapter 24

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-June 12-
I had to wake up pretty early to go to the doctors, my appointment was at 9:30. I woke up around 8ish which was actually very difficult. I mean no one likes to wake up early especially 8 o'clock early.

Niall took a quick shower, I would've made breakfast, but I can't eat since they'd probably have to run some tests, so I decided that we could go out after the appointment. Which really sucks because my stomach is growling.

I thought about jumping into the shower with Niall, but I decided against it because we'd probably start fooling around and then it would take longer. I heard the shower shut off and Niall stepped out with a towel tied around his hips.

I grabbed my clothes and quickly entered the bathroom, I placed them neatly on the top of the toilet. I quickly rid of all my clothes and turned the shower on, I expected it to be warm since Niall was just in it. I put my hand into to feel the water it felt pretty warm. I carefully stepped in adjusting the temperature just a bit. I grabbed the soap and started to cleanse my body which only took about 3 minutes, I placed the soap back and grabbed the shampoo. I quickly lathered it into my hair, and continued to rinse it out. Once the shampoo was out, I grabbed the conditioner and put it through my dirty blonde cascades. I then proceeded to put my head back under the water running my hands through my hair. My hair was silky soft now, it felt amazing. Once I was sure all the conditioner was out, I turned the water off, grabbing a towel. I quickly wrapped it around my body, feeling warm again.

I carefully stepped out of the shower. I slipped my panties on, followed by my skinny jeans. Next I strapped my bra, making any needed adjustments. I took the towel out of my hair and slid my shirt over my head, pushing my arms through the sleeves.

I took out my hairbrush and swiftly brushed it through my hair. Thank God there was minimal knots. I proceeded to take out my toothbrush and put toothpaste on it, I dipped it into the water. I started to move it in and out of my mouth. I spit out some toothpaste, and continued my teeth whitening until I was sure I was good, I rinsed my mouth out and whipped my mouth with a towel. I checked myself in the mirror making sure I looked presentable, I brushed a piece of hair out of my face and exited the bathroom. Niall was on the couch flicking through the channels. I checked the clock it was 8:45.

"Niall, let's go," I said grabbing my purse. Niall jumped off the couch, turning off the television and heading towards the door. I unlocked the car getting into the passenger's side, Niall soon joined me and hoped into the driver's seat. I typed the address into the gps. I leaned back in my seat, calming my nerves, everything will be fine it has for the past few years. I have nothing to be nervous about.

My mind was racing with so many what ifs, but I quickly dismissed them, because everything was going to be fine. I have a habit of worrying over the smallest things, but what if there was something wrong this time. Only time will tell. I should stop stressing over things I can't change. Soon we turned into the parking lot of the hospital causing my nerves to only increase.

"Niall saw how distraught I looked, so he grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring smile, "everything will be fine."
His words made me feel a little better.

"But what if it's not," I said.

"It will be, I promise you."

I stayed silent as we walked to the front of the hospital, my mind running a mile a minute. I signed myself in and took a seat in the waiting area. Niall grabbed my hand and started to play with my fingers, until my name was called.

"That was fast," I say standing up from my chair. Niall follows me over to where the nurse is waiting patiently.

We follow her down the hall into one of the empty rooms.

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