Chapter 1

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Lauren sighed to herself as she was woken up by the sound of her alarm going off.

Today was Lauren's first day back at high school. She was finally a senior along with her best friend Camila. All Lauren could think about was being back in the crowded chaotic hallways of Miami High. Although she actually liked school in terms of learning new things, she felt as if summer had gone by faster than she had expected.

The sound of her mother's voice broke her away from her thoughts as she finished getting ready.

"Lauren you should hurry or else you'll be late for school!" Clara said as she also was finishing up a few things before going to work.

"Ok, I'll be down in a minute mom." Lauren said as she grabbed her bag and took one more look in the mirror before she made her way downstairs.

She decided to wear something simple for today since it was only the first day and they weren't really doing anything important. She wore a white 1975 crop top and blue skinny jeans. She decided to leave her hair as it was and just go all natural.

Lauren's POV

"Mom can you drop off Taylor today? I still have to pick up Camz and I don't want to be late for school." I asked as I searched for my car keys.

"Of course honey, just remember to pick her up later." Clara said as she smiled and handed Lauren her car keys that she had been looking for.

"Thanks mom!" I have her a quick hug before I quickly walk to my car.

One of the things that make going to school actually alright is that I have my best friend with me by my side. Camila and I have been friends pretty much since we were born. Our moms were best friends in college, and me and Camila have grown up with each other. We've always been there for each other no matter what, and I feel like I can tell her anything.

I pull up at Camila's driveway and ring her door bell. A few seconds later Camila's mom opened the door letting me in.

"Good morning Lauren, Camila will be down in a minute, you know how long she takes to get ready in the morning" Sinu said as she smiled at me.

I couldn't help but chuckle at Sinu's words

"Alright, thanks Sinu" and just as I checked my phone to see the time, I see Camila running down the stairs. Camila is extremely beautiful. Ever since we were little I've always admired her pretty brown eyes. I've always thought of them as dark pools of chocolate that always sparkled. She has long brown hair that falls perfectly down to her waist. She's one of those people who isn't afraid of what other people think of her. She always likes to be herself even if she's the one of the quirkiest and clumsiest people around. She's really bubbly and she always lights up the room when she walks in.

Just as she was coming down, she trips over her own feet and goes flying onto the floor.

"Camz!" I run over to her and help her up.

"I'm good," she says obviously trying to hide her pain.

"Are you sure?" And although I am worried about her I try to hide my laugh but I fail. Miserably. I then burst out laughing and she frowns.

"Why are you laughing? You're so mean! You know that actually hurt Laur" Camila said as she pouted and walked over to get her bag.

"I'm sorry! It's just, you're so clumsy and you trip over your own feet like all the time. I think it's cute though" I said and I looked at her to see that she was trying to hide her blush.

"And besides what kind of best friend would I be if I didn't laugh at you when you fall over like that,"

"A better one" Camila said as she stuck her tongue out at me

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