Chapter 3

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Camila's POV

Alright. Let me just say, the first day of school went by faster than I expected. I made the most of it and luckily it didn't suck. Maybe this year will be good.
I sat on the edge of my bed quietly strumming random guitar chords.
As I grabbed my notebook to scribble down some lyrics, I heard tapping noises coming from my window.
I put my notebook down and picked up my night lamp, ready for what was at the window.
When I got close enough, the window got shoved open and I raised the lamp ready to hit the intruder, and my heart was beating out of my chest.

Lauren said as she raised her hands up in defence.

"Geez Lauren you scared the crap out of me!" I sighed putting down the lamp

"Why didn't you just come through the front door, this is practically your second house!"

"I'm sorryyy. Besides, I've always wanted to climb up a house and sneak in through a window. It makes me seem all cool, you know, like how they do it in the movies." She smirked

"Yeah well you're still a doofus." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Wow. I'm offended" she said pouting and pretending to be hurt by my comment.

Lauren walked over to my bed and jumped in. She picked up my song notebook, and just as she was about to open in, I yanked it out of her hands as fast as I could.

"What the hell was that for?"
She sat up, raising her eyebrows in question as to why I had just ripped the notebook out of her hands.

"Those are private."

"Seriously?! I thought we shared everything with each other. I already know everything about you Camz, what else could be that private?"

"Nothing. They're literally just a bunch of scribbles on paper. Nothing important." I said, as I looked down

It's not that I don't trust Lauren, I trust her more than anyone else, but the songs I wrote are pretty much all about how I feel about her. Writing music is one way I can really express how I feel, since I can't really tell anyone about my so called "secret".

If I were to tell Lauren how I actually felt about her, it would ruin everything. First of all, she doesn't like girls. She's had a few boyfriends, and she's only ever talked about liking guys. To be honest, Lauren doesn't exactly have the best taste of guys. Every guy that she's either dated or liked,  has been a complete jerk.
Sometimes I just wish she could just open up her eyes and at least like someone who actually deserves her.

"Camz, you know you can trust me with anything right?"

"Yeah, of course. Honestly Lauren, the notebook is just filled with random thoughts. It's pointless really. You don't have to worry about it."

"Alright, well let's just change the subject" she smiled

"How about you sing a song for me?" She said smirking at me.

"How about you sing with me? I countered back

Just as I picked up my guitar, we hear a knock at my door.

"Lauren, you're mom called, she needs you back at home" said my mom, as she opened my door and stood in my doorway.

"Wait, how did she even know I was here? And how did you know I was here?" Lauren questioned

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