Chapter 14

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Lauren and Camila walked down to the lake, making conversations about the most random things, but there was never a dull moment between them.

"Wow. I honestly can't believe that it's been almost 4 years since we've last been here" Camila said, scanning the area and taking in her surroundings.

"Yea, but it doesn't even feel like its been that long.  Time flies by so fast."  Lauren agreed, finding herself looking at Camila more than she was looking at the scenery.

Camila noticed the older girl's eyes staring at her and she turned around to see a smiling Lauren.

"What are you looking at?" Camila asked,

"You." Lauren said, looking at the smaller girl with pure happiness in her eyes, and a bright smile.

"Wait, why? Oh my god. Do I have something on my face?" Camila questioned, looking quite embarrassed as she pulled her phone out and frantically looked at the screen to see what was on her face.

"Camz, there's nothing on your face." Lauren chuckled, lowering Camila's phone, and getting her to calm down. "I was looking at you because you're beautiful" Lauren said with ease, not hesitating one second to tell the smaller girl what was on her mind.

Camila smiled widely and a blush crept onto her face as she slightly looked down. Lauren lifted Camila's chin so that they were now looking into each other's eyes, clearly sensing the other girls insecureness.

"Camz, you know that you're beautiful. In fact, you're the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen. I just wish that you could see what I see" Lauren said, looking into Camila's brown eyes with such adoration.

Camila smiled at Lauren's comment and placed her hand on the older girl's cheek. Camila slowly but surely leaned in, and took Lauren's lips in her own. Their lips moved together in unison, and Camila loved the feeling of having Lauren's lips on hers. She honestly felt like she was on cloud 9.

"You're such a good kisser" Camila mumbled against Lauren's mouth, smiling as she kissed her again, leaning against her body.

"Mmhmm. You're not too bad yourself." Lauren said, smirking against Camila's mouth.

Camila wrapped her arms around the older girls' neck, and by surprise, she slowly deepened the kiss.
Lauren separated their lips for a moment, looking up and causing her eyebrow to quirk up in amusement to Camila's sudden boost of confidence. Camila ignored Lauren's moment of amusement and continued on with the kiss, taking the older girl's lips in her own.

In the past, if you asked Camila if she ever thought that she would be here right now with Lauren, on a date, she wouldn't have believed it. It's not that she didn't have hope that they would end up together, it's just that she'd never imagined that it would be better than she would have expected.

They pulled away and smiled widely at each other.

"I never thought we would be here on a date right now." Camila said, slightly in disbelief. She looked at Lauren lovingly and nuzzled her head into the side of Lauren's neck.

"Why? I mean, you already knew that you had feelings for me right?" Lauren questioned, furrowing her eyebrows in slight confusion.

"Yeah, I've always known, its just the fact that I didn't know I would even build up the courage to tell you." Camila said nonchalantly.

"Well I'm glad that you did. Otherwise, we probably wouldn't be here" Lauren smiled gratefully as she lightly kissed the back of Camila's hand.

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