Chapter 6

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Camila's POV

Last night we all ended up falling asleep whilst watching The Notebook, and let me just say, we had a really fun time. We watched a few more movies, played truth or dare, and ate all the pizza. Did I say we? I might've meant me. What can I say, I'm always hungry. Sue me.

Anyways, back to what I was saying. I'm currently still in bed, my eyes are sealed shut, not wanting to really put in the effort to open them due to how tired I was feeling. I think we ended up sleeping at 3:00 am, so I wasn't really looking forward to waking up. I tried to change the position I was in, but I failed to do so when I felt an arm draped around me. I tried to force my eyes open and I fluttered them to keep them from shutting once again. I slowly turned around and saw that Lauren's arm was certainly wrapped around my waist, as if she didn't want me to go anywhere, and she was spooning me as we were all cuddled up on her bed. I looked around carefully to find that the other girls fell asleep on their sleeping bags which were laid out along the floor. I couldn't stop the smile from appearing as I grinned from ear to ear, and I was so relieved that no one else could see the enormous blush creeping onto my face. This isn't the first time that I've woken up cuddled up to Lauren, but every single time it happens, I can't stop my heart from fluttering. Honestly, Lauren's never held me this tight whilst sleeping before, so I took advantage of this moment, and once again, I could not stop the eruption of butterflies in my stomach right now. Damn. The way she makes me feel.

I know I complained about being tired and all, but since I woke up to find Lauren sleeping this close to me, I could not close my eyes. I just feel so alive being in her arms right now.

"Oh, how I wish it could always be like this"  I thought, as I sighed lightly, trying not to wake Lauren.
I checked my phone and to find out it's been about an hour since I woke up, and since then, no one else has woken up.  Haha these are how my girls are on a daily basis. I guess you could say that we need our "beauty sleep". 

Just as I have gotten used to enjoying the comfort of Lauren's arms, I suddenly had to go to pee.

"Great job Camila. You have impeccable timing."  I thought to myself, not wanting to move from this position.

I started to move a little, but being my clumsy self, I accidentally pushed my phone off of the bed, and onto the floor, which in turn, made a small thud. By my surprise, Dinah ended up waking up, and the other girls stayed asleep. Dinah rubbed her eyes and opened them, looking around like she was confused about why she woke up in the first place. Dinah is usually the least likely person out of all of us to wake up by a small sound. She is such a heavy sleeper. One time not too long ago, she was sleeping over at my house, and when I tried to wake her up the next morning, she just didn't wake up. I tried shaking her, yelling at her for her to wake up, I even starting smacking her with a pillow. The last resort that it came to, was splashing a bucket of water in her face. Looking back at it now, that was not my best decision. It ended up with Dinah chasing me around and locking me outside of my house in my pyjamas for a solid hour. My neighbours never looked at me the same since then.

Dinah rolled around her sleeping bag, trying to settle down and come to terms with the fact that she was now well awake. She turned around to look at me and saw that I was wrapped in Lauren's arms. She blinked a few times before giving me a giant smirk and lightly laughing at the blush that appeared upon my face.

I shook my head at Dinah, being her usual childish self and continued on with trying to get out of bed without waking the beautiful girl next to me. I moved a little more, trying to get out of Lauren's grasp, and finally being out of it, I instantly failed as she pulled me closer to her and I sighed in frustration.  Any moment of my whole life, I would be 100% ecstatic with Lauren wanting me to stay with her longer, but I really really really have to got to the washroom. Like really bad.
I tried once again, hearing laughter coming from Dinah who was on the other side of the room, clearly making fun of my struggles. I ignored the laughter and as much as I didn't want to, I have decided that I would have to wiggle out of Lauren's grasp, even if it wakes her up at this point. I finally managed to make Lauren let go of me, but as I made a move to get up, Lauren's eyes fluttered open, and she gave me a big sleepy smile, looking as cute as ever.

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