Chapter 17

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"I can't believe that went so well" Camila squealed in excitement as she fell backwards onto Lauren's bed.

"I know right? I'm just incredibly happy right now." Lauren replied as she fell into Camila's arms and grinned from ear to ear.

Camila leaned in and gently kissed Lauren, but it soon deepened within a few seconds. They continued on for a few minutes before they heard the door open unexpectedly once more, for the second time tonight.

"Yo Camren! Quit sucking each other's faces off!  We know you're hungry, that's why we bought pizza" Dinah yelled as she looked over and smirked at her two best friends that were beyond flustered at the moment.

"Dinah! Why do you always ruin the moment?" Camila huffed in annoyance. She looked at Lauren who was also breathing heavily, recovering from their little make out session. Lauren's lips were all red and swollen and she knew that hers probably looked the same.

"It's not my fault that you guys get all freaky at the wrong times." Dinah said as the three girls walked over to Lauren's bed and placed the pizza boxes on the bedside table.

"See, we told you Dinah. We should've just let them finish" Ally said softly as she motioned her head towards the happy couple on the bed.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Lauren questioned, turning her head in Ally's direction.

"We waited out in the hallway for a little bit before Dinah decided to barge in. Mani and I were telling Dinah to give you guys a little time to finish up, but she didn't listen and she walked right in." Ally explained, looking at Camila and Lauren apologetically.

"Girl who knows how long that could have been. Seeing them all hot and bothered just now confirms that they weren't even close to being done." Dinah nonchalantly said, which earned a smack in the head with a pillow from Camila.

Camila and Lauren blushed in embarrassment, both of them giving Dinah death glares.

"Ow. You're so violent Mila" Dinah said as she squirmed away from her best friend.

"You kinda deserved it Dinah" Normani said as she shook her head and laughed, watching the somewhat amusing argument that was going on.

"Kinda? She definitely deserved that. I think she deserves another one actually" Lauren smirked, trying to annoy the Polynesian as she raised her pillow to hit Dinah once more.

Dinah moved away quickly, not wanting to get hit again.

"Wow. I thought we were all friends. You guys are all ganging up on me." Dinah said feigning disbelief as she shook her head and crossed her arms.

"And we thought that you were the Captain of the Camren ship or whatever you call it." Camila countered back,

"I see enough of all your cute and cuddly shit at school. I'm still the captain of the S.S Camren, but you guys are constantly going at it." Dinah admitted, pausing to think about if she was explaining herself right.

"I think that they're cute" Ally gushed, smiling widely at Lauren and Camila.

"Me too. You guys are like the perfect couple" Normani added,

Lauren and Camila both smiled in appreciation, and Camila blushed because of Normani's comment about their relationship.

"Ok, first of all, I also think Camren is cute. I just said that you guys are always making out and being all cuddly." Dinah turned to the couple and tried getting her thoughts across to them. They looked back at Dinah with confused expressions, so she tried to explain it more for them to understand. "And although it makes me ship you guys even harder, it makes me want a boyfriend even more" Dinah explained, earning a few somewhat understanding glances from her best friends. "Like, who wouldn't wanna date me? I'm hella cute" She sassed, making all of her friends laugh.

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