Chapter 12

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Camila's POV

It's currently 4th period, right before lunch, and to be honest, I couldn't concentrate on anything today. It's Friday, so that means Lauren and I are going to have our first date tonight. My thoughts have been solely focused on Lauren, and I have been imagining what tonight would be like. My heart fluttered just at the thought of going out with Lauren, since I didn't expect that everything would turn out the way it did, but I couldn't be any happier with our situation.

A few more minutes passed and the bell finally went. I picked up my books and headed out the door. Once I walked out of class, I felt a pair of familiar hands covering my eyes.

"Guess who?" Lauren said, and I instantly knew that I could recognize her voice from a mile away.

"Hmm, I'm not sure, maybe you could give me a hint?" I smirked playfully hoping that Lauren was catching onto what I was insinuating.

I heard light shuffling and I felt Lauren walk around so that she was facing me, her hands still placed over my eyes.
I felt her lips touch mine and I instantly felt a large amount of butterflies erupt inside of me.

"I don't know, is it Dinah?" I asked, playfully teasing her,

"You're an ass." she laughed, removing her hands from my eyes.

"A very nice ass might I add." I said, giving her a sly smile and intertwining our fingers together.

"I won't argue with that" she smirked, winking at me, causing me to blush profusely.
"Can I carry your books for you?" she offered, looking more than excited to be helpful to me.

She's such a gentlewoman. She's so sweet, and I'm insanely lucky to have her.

I just feel even more amazing considering that Lauren and I are already acting like a couple, even though we haven't even gone out on a date yet. That just makes me realize that being best friends with Lauren all my life, helped create a base in our relationship, so we just flow comfortably along with each other.

I agreed to let Lauren take my books as she walked me down to my locker, which was across from hers.
I opened my locker and took the books that Lauren handed me as I reached up to put them in. As I organized my things, I felt Lauren's arms snake around my waist, pulling my body closer to hers, lightly resting her chin on my shoulder.
And with that, my heart exploded. It's crazy how a simple gesture like this can make me feel incredibly amazing.
I relaxed into her hug and grinned from ear to ear. Lauren placed a light peck on my shoulder and she nuzzled her head into the side of my neck.

I was having a moment of pure bliss, but it was soon ruined by the sound of my stomach growling. Great timing huh.

I heard a light giggle from Lauren and I blushed out of embarrassment due to my obnoxiously loud stomach.

"Laur we should get going. The girls are probably waiting for us, plus from what you just heard, I'm starving." I said as I closed my locker and waited for Lauren to let go so we could walk over to the cafeteria.

"Aren't you always hungry?" She laughed,

"Well, as one wise person said, the stomach wants what it wants." I said, trying to sound confident in my terrible lie.

"Oh and was that wise, yet not so wise person, you by any chance?" she asked, smirking at me.

"Maybe... But let's not change the subject. The girls are waiting for us" I said

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