Chapter 2

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Camila's POV

We parked the car in the school parking lot, but I just stayed sitting silently thinking for a few minutes before Lauren spoke up and broke me away from my thoughts.

"So, you ready for the first day back?" Smiling, clearly already knowing my answer to her question.

"Nope. I can't believe that summer's over already." I sighed

"Oh come on Camz! We're gonna make this year one of the best we've ever had, alright?"  Grabbing onto my hand, and interlocking our fingers

I tried to ignore the eruption of butterflies that I just felt, and I tried to speak up without her having to notice my nervousness.

"Really?" I said quietly, raising an eyebrow and waiting for her reply which came only after like a second.

"Duhh! I'm here, so clearly it's gonna be a good year." She smirked

I playfully rolled my eyes and laughed at her bluntness and confidence.

"I'm serious Laur, do you actually think this year's gonna be good?"

"Of course! We're gonna make new memories, and have the best time ever. You, me, and oh yeah! those other three losers that are our best friends."

"Haha alright, this is gonna be a good year." I said laughing at Lauren's words,

"Yeah! See! There's the spirit! Now come on and lets go meet the three stooges." Lauren said with a grin upon her face

We got out of the car and made our way into the school, our fingers still interlocked.

As we walked into the school, it was just as crazy as ever. The halls in the high school are always so chaotic, and sometimes it just proves how much a struggle it can be to get by the whole year. Honestly, if I didn't have Lauren, and my three other best friends, I would dread school completely. I like the learning part of school, but other than that it can be really tough.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the loud voices of my friends who were running towards us.

"Mila! Lauren! We missed you so much!" said Dinah squeezed the life out of me and Lauren as she pulled us in for a hug.

"Yeah! I can't believe we haven't seen each other in almost 2 months!" Ally said, before joining in our little group hug.

"Are you coming over to my house for the barbecue after school?" Normani asked, jumping up and down, waiting for an answer,

"Yeah! We need to catch up on everything!" As we all agreed to go, we walked down the hall and made our way to first period.

Normani and her parents always have a back to school barbecue where they invite all of their friends to catch up on summer vacation. With all of us being a part for almost all of summer vacation, the barbecue would be a great time to just catch up on everything.

Both Normani and Ally went to Texas over the summer to see friends and relatives, and Dinah went to California to visit her family.

Out of all of us in our little group of friends, you would think that Dinah is the oldest, but she's actually not. She is the youngest, although it doesn't seem like it. She might seem intimidating at first, but she's a very likeable person who makes everyone laugh. Normani is just that person who can make you smile all the time. She interacts with everyone and almost everyone in our grade knows her. Then there's Ally. Ally is one of the sweetest people I know. She's the oldest of the 5 of us although she of the shortest. She sort of acts like a big sister to us, and she always has the right things to say.

Besides Lauren, Dinah is one of my closest friends. But even with that being said, no one knows that I like Lauren, and I mean NO ONE. It's not that I don't trust Dinah, or Ally or Normani, it's just that I can't really bring myself to tell anyone else.

We talked about our schedules along the way, and we saw that we all had homeroom together which was great considering last year, when Lauren, Ally, and I were in a couple of classes together and in all of the other classes, we were all separated.

I sighed in relief, as I stopped at the doorway of our homeroom. Not only am I in the same class as Lauren, but I have my best friends with me as well. I'm actually quite shy, but when I'm with my friends, they bring out the best of me, and I can just be myself. That's what I love about them, they encourage me to be the best I can be, even though that would be a quirky, awkward teenage girl.

"You okay Camz?" Lauren asked, giving me that signature smile of hers.

"I'm more than okay" I said as I walked over to her with a giant smile plastered on my face.

I sat down next to the girl of my dreams and she leaned over to whisper something in my ear.

"Remember, we're gonna have a great year."


Sorry that it took so long to update!
I just got back from vacation and I started to write again. And I just wanted to say thank you for all the reads I've gotten so far! I know it's not a lot, but it's means so much knowing that some people are reading this :)

thanks xoxo

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