Chapter 18

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"I am hopelessly in love with you Karla Camila Cabello" Lauren said as she took Camila's lips in her own.

As soon as they pulled away, they heard familiar voices coming from a distance.


"Awwe! That was the cutest thing I've ever seen" a voice appeared from behind a tree, followed by a few shushes soon after.

"Is that..?" Lauren asked, staring at the trees where the voices came from.

"I think so" Camila answered as she shook her head in disbelief and walked towards the trees with Lauren following closely behind.

They walked a little closer to confirm their suspicions about the people behind the trees, and they were in fact, completely right.

"Guys! Why are you still here? I said that I could take care of the rest of the date!" Camila yelled in disbelief as she saw their three best friends crouching behind the trees with their hands over their faces, as if they were trying to hide themselves. Clearly, that did not work out very well.

Lauren and Camila stood in front of them with their arms crossed, waiting for an explanation from their friends. Ally slowly took her hands off of her face to see if Lauren and Camila had gone off and dispersed, but to her dismay, they were still standing in front of them.

As a sign of panic, Ally turned to Normani and shook her, to get her to help her out.

"What?" Normani questioned in a faint whisper, and then turned to look in the direction that Ally was pointing in, to see Lauren and Camila still standing there, looking unimpressed and straight up annoyed. Normani looked at them, then back at Ally, before both of them pointed towards Dinah and yelled at the same thing at the same time.

"It was Dinah's idea!" They said loudly, instantly putting the blame on the Polynesian as they all turned their heads and looked at Dinah, who was still pretending to be unnoticed by the rest of the girls.

"Ehem." Lauren cleared her throat to get Dinah's attention.

"Oh hey guys! Fancy seeing you girls here!" Dinah said as she feigned a surprised expression. She was just trying to play it off as much as possible, so they wouldn't be too mad.

"Dinahhh..." Camila murmured, dragging out her best friend's name with an annoyed tone.

"Alright alright. First of all, y'all are rude. Blaming me for this whole situation" Dinah said as she directed her glare towards Ally and Normani.
"Second of all, it wasn't entirely my fault. I simply suggested that we stay for a little bit just to see if you guys needed anything, and they went along with it and we ended up staying longer." she said, trying to convince Lauren and Camila that it wasn't only her fault, by putting some of the blame on her other two friends.

"That's not true! You said that we should stay and watch their date and I disagreed and said that we should just let them be alone" Normani argued, not having any of Dinah's blatant lies.

"Hey what about me? I'm the one who said that we should give them privacy. So clearly, I'm the one who is least at fault for this whole situation." Ally said, also arguing with the other two.

"Well sorry but Dinah's the one who should be blamed for this." Normani countered back,

"Woah woah, woah. Hold up. I will not take all the blame for this" Dinah argued as she held up her hand in disagreement.

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