Chapter 16

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It was currently a Friday afternoon, and since today was a day off from school, Camila and Lauren were all cuddled up in Lauren's bed, watching tv while waiting for their other three friends to arrive. It had been about one month after their first date, and their relationship had only flourished and grew stronger since then.

Camila was wrapped up in Lauren's arms as she felt her hair being mindlessly played with beside her.

"Lauren? You know what's on Sunday right?" Camila asked her girlfriend, smiling widely as she thought about their one month anniversary that was coming up. All she could think about was the gift that she had for Lauren and she couldn't wait to give it to her.

"No, what's on Sunday?" Lauren said as she faked a puzzled expression as she teased Camila.
Of course she knew that it was their one month, but she wanted to tease her girlfriend. She was expecting more of an annoyed expression, but she saw that Camila was honestly upset.

Camila's heart dropped, and she frowned at her girlfriend's words. "Oh ok. Never mind." Camila said as she shifted to the other side of the bed, pulling away from Lauren's grasp.

Lauren winced at the loss of contact, and she instantly regretted her joke due to Camila's whole change in demeanour.

"Camz..." Lauren said as she moved closer to Camila, and frowned when Camila didn't respond. She didn't want this to be a reason to fight with her girlfriend. "Camz I was just kidding," Lauren said as she rested her chin on Camila's shoulder and moved in to wrap her arm around her waist. "Of course I remember. It's our one month anniversary. We've been talking about this for a while so I thought you knew I was joking" Lauren said honestly, as she spoke to Camila softly to let her know that she was being serious.

"I thought you forgot" Camila said as she relaxed by taking a deep breath and turned around to face Lauren.

"How could I forget that? That's all that's been on my mind lately," Lauren trailed off as she smiled comfortingly at the girl in her arms. Lauren placed a little peck on Camila's forehead and she felt accomplished in terms of making her girlfriend feel better since Camila's cheeks were turning a bright crimson red. She found it adorable how Camila still blushed at her small gestures even though they've been dating for almost a month now. But in all honesty, Lauren loved having that effect on Camila.

Camila nodded in response, and she found herself staring at Lauren once more. Not staring in the sense of being creepy, but more of a look of admiration for her girlfriend's effortless beauty. Camila looked deep into Lauren's eyes with pure admiration and affection, and she saw them glistening from the sunlight. She loved Lauren's emerald eyes. Just the way that they lit up when she talked about something exciting, or how she managed to constantly get lost in the deep pools of emerald. She ran her fingers lightly along Lauren's face, tracing over her eyebrows and then down to her lips.

"How did I get so lucky?" Camila asked, clearly stunned by Lauren's effortless beauty. The green eyed girl wasn't even wearing makeup, and her hair happened to be all over the place, yet she still looked incredibly stunning in Camila's eyes.

"I ask myself that same question everyday." Lauren replied with a small affectionate smile plastered on her face.

Lauren leaned in to kiss Camila, with both their pairs of lips moving together in sync.
It started off slow and passionate, but it soon escalated into a heated make out session.

Lauren took the lead knowing that her girlfriend was slightly inexperienced compared to her. She grazed Camila's bottom lip with her tongue, asking for permission for entrance, which Camila granted without hesitation.
Lauren slipped her tongue into Camila's mouth, gently exploring the unfamiliar area. Camila went with the flow as she tried to mirror Lauren's actions due to her inexperience. Lauren pulled away from her girlfriends lips and placed a trail of kisses down to Camila's neck, and she sucked on her pulse point which earned an unexpected throaty moan from Camila. Lauren felt a shock of electricity rush through her body as she felt the vibrations of her girlfriends moan. Lauren smirked at the reaction that she was getting from Camila, and she decided to suck on her pulse point slightly harder, leaving a hickey on her neck. Camila bit her lip in embarrassment but Lauren gave her a kiss for reassurance. They fell into a deep and sensual kiss once again, and Lauren felt Camila slip her hand under her shirt and onto her lower abdomen. Camila grazed the soft skin with her fingers, and they slowly trailed up along onto the exposed part of Lauren's breast. Lauren opened her eyes and raised her eyebrows at Camila's sudden boost of confidence. Camila was starting to take control, and although it was surprising, Lauren enjoyed every second of it.

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