Chapter 7

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Camila's POV

"What's cute?"  Lauren asked, and once again, probably for the 10th time in the past few hours, my heart stopped.
I was frozen on the spot and I didn't know what to say or do.  I looked around at the other girls to see that we were  speechless, as an unexpected silence followed as we tried to collect our thoughts and come up with what we were to say next.

"Uhhhh," I said nervously, trying to come up with a lie as fast as I possibly could.

Before I was just about to blurt out anything else, I heard Dinah speak up.

"We were just talking about my neighbour Mrs. Adamson. She just gave birth to a baby girl and she's adorable! We used to baby sit Mrs. Adamson's other kid Jake remember?" Dinah smiled as she pulled up a picture of the new born baby on her phone and showed it to Lauren.

Lauren nodded before she ran over excitedly, lightly pouting and looking at the picture with pure affection and adoration in her eyes.

"Awwe, she's so cute!" she said, her eyes still locked on Dinah's phone, scrolling through the pictures.

Nice save Dinah. Nice save. That was surprisingly believable and I think Lauren fell for it.
I closed my eyes and sighed as a sign of relief. That was too close. I honestly just hope that she didn't hear anything else besides that.

Lauren's POV

Last night we all stayed up until about 3 am. To be honest, I thought I would be sleeping in till at least 2 in the afternoon, but I woke up a few hours ago before the girls even dared to open their eyes. I woke up to see Camila in my arms, as her head lightly rested on my chest, and I held her as if I didn't want her to go anywhere.  I smiled, and realized that over the years, it has just become a natural instinct to cuddle with her as we sleep. I'm pretty sure that the last time we fell asleep separately whilst at one of our sleepovers, was on the first time that Camila and I had a sleepover when we were about 5.  Ever since then, we have slept together on one bed because of how comfortable we are with each other. 
Lauren checked her phone to see what time it was, finding out that it was only 9:30 am, surprising herself with the fact that she was awake much earlier than she expected. She put her phone away and decided to just lay here with Camila and see if she could fall asleep once again. 
She found herself just looking at Camila for a while, watching her facial features rise and fall as she looked so peaceful while she was asleep. She rubbed circles lightly on her back and and caressed her arm until she felt herself getting sleepy once again. After a few minutes passed, she couldn't help but give in to her eyelids which were starting to feel heavy and began closing out her control, falling fast asleep.
I felt myself start to awaken once again, my eyes still shut, but I could feel the slight shifting of Camila's body causing the bed to move a little. I heard the sound of the sheets also shuffling in the process of the ongoing movement.  I opened my eyes just enough to see what was going on. I could sense that Camila didn't want to wake me, with her trying her best to quietly get off the bed. Clearly she thought that me and the other girls were still sleeping, so she tried to be as silent as possible. I frowned at the loss of warmth that I currently felt, as her small body moved away from mine, so I closed my eyes once again, wrapped my arm around her waist and lightly pulled her closer to me. I tried to hold in my laugh as I heard Camila sigh in frustration due to the loss of progress that had occurred. She gave up on moving for a few minutes, before trying to get off the bed once more. I assumed that Camila dropped her phone on the floor, which resulted in a small thud. I loosened my rasp on her waist and let her move off to get her phone, and in the process, I heard the laughter of Dinah, who was now awake due to the phone falling on the floor n the first place. Knowing Dinah, she was probably laughing at Camila who was struggling to get out of bed. Camila got herself into a sitting position, just on the edge of the bed.

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