Chapter 4

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Camila's POV

Everything went by so slow after that.
I couldn't help but think about why Lauren was so silent.
Now here I am, sitting in last period of the day, staring at the clock on the wall and listening to the sound of the quiet ticking, and to the teacher's soft voice. I'm so glad its the end of the week. It's only the first week back and I'm already feeling slightly stressed out.

Waiting for the minutes to go by, I felt Ally nudge my shoulder to get my attention.

"You ok? You seem so out of it today," She said with a slight look of concern showing on her face.

"I'm fine, it's just the first week back and I guess it just took a toll on me." I said, trying to reassure her that I was ok, or at least show her that I was trying to be.

"Ok, well you know you can always talk to me if you have something on you mind, you know that right?" She said, with a heart felt look in her eyes,

"Yea of course, thanks Ally" I said, smiling at her and giving her a reassuring nod.

Ally is just one of those people who always knows what to say, and I know that she'll always be there for me. She's like an older sister to all of us, and she just makes us comfortable enough to be able to open up and talk to her. That's just one of the many qualities that makes Ally a great friend.

A few minutes went by and the bell rang. Right after school I'm heading home to pick up some things at my house, then to Lauren's house, and lastly I would be making my way to Dinah's house for our regular girls night and sleepover.

I stood at my locker, putting my books back into it. As soon as I close it, I see Lauren standing silently beside me, leaning against the lockers.

"Are you ready to go? " She asks, barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Uh yeah, the girls are all going in Normani's car so they can pick up the movies and clothes before going to Dinah's house" I say trying to hide the hint of worry in my voice.

Me and Lauren always tell each other everything, so to not know why she suddenly stopped talking just makes me worry.

The car ride over to my house was unusually silent the whole way, and I didn't want to keep trying to talk to her and risk the chance of her getting annoyed. When we got to my house, Lauren decided to wait in her car while I picked up my stuff.

I opened the door to my house and ran upstairs and into my room to get my stuff. .
As I gathered my things, I heard footsteps coming closer. I turn around to see Lauren sitting on my bed, looking down and playing with her fingers.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked, still not making eye contact with me

Ok, now I really have no idea what she's talking about. Why would I be mad at her?

"Me? Why would I be mad? I thought you were," I said with confusion written all over my face.

"I don't know. I was just thinking that's all. Im not mad at you, how could I be mad at you, you didn't do anything" she sighed, slowly easing up and talking softly as she finally looked up at me,

"You just seem upset, and I hate seeing you sad" I said as I took a seat next to her on my bed

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. Can we just forget about this? I really just want to have a good year and I'm sorry I started it off by being ignorant. Let's just go have fun with the girls" she smiled, picking up the stuff and linking arms with me.

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