Chapter 23

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"You totally just had sex" Dinah blurted out as the two girls made their way into the living room.

"Dinah! You were supposed to be subtle about it" Normani whisper yelled as she pointed towards Lauren and Camila.

"You guys, they're right there" Ally said as she shook her head and gestured towards the couple who were just standing there listening.

"Was it that obvious?" Camila asked as she looked at her friends, clearly embarrassed that they knew this whole time.

"Yep. You guys both disappeared at the same time and you come down just now. Way to be sneaky" Dinah laughed as she smirked at the two.

"Dinah! Be nice. I think that it was sweet that they just did it for their first time" Ally said,

"Oh my god. Can we please stop talking about whether we just had sex or not?" Lauren asked as she blushed profusely.

"You totally did" Dinah teased once more as they all laughed despite the awkwardness of the conversation.

"Guys look! 10 seconds left!" Normani yelled as she jumped up and down with the rest of the girls












And with that, Lauren and Camila shared their first New Years kiss before hugging the rest of their friends in a celebratory manner.

A New Year.


It was now a few weeks later. Everything was going great. Lauren and Camila's relationship flourished into something even more beautiful and they were both extremely happy.

On top of that, all of the friendship of the 5 girls had strengthened much more. The group of 5 were having the best year yet, just like Lauren promised it would be.

Everything was perfect.
At least, until this day.

"Lauren, can you please come here?" Clara shouted as she asked for her daughter to come to the living room for an important matter.

"Yeah I'm coming!" Lauren exclaimed as she ran downstairs to living room.

"What's u-" she started but stopped once she saw her whole family sitting down, waiting for her to join them. Lauren felt her stomach churn and her hands began to feel sweaty. She was feeling nervous for whatever was about to happen. The Jaureguis never had a family meeting unless it was about something extremely important.

"W-what's going on?" Lauren stuttered as she looked at her two siblings to see if they had any idea of what was going on, but they too, were completely clueless as both of them shrugged.

"Taylor, Chris, Lauren, we have something important to tell you" Clara stated as she looked at her husband to help her continue.

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