Chapter 29

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT GOING?!" Dinah yelled in frustration as she looked at her best friend with wide eyes.

Camila winced at the loud yell but tried to compose herself nonetheless.

"It just won't be the same without Lauren. All I'm going to be thinking about is how I'm not with her" Camila explained, trying to get Dinah to see it from her point of view.

Camila really wanted to go to prom, but she knew that she would sort of be the lonely one tagging along. She wanted the girls to have fun with their dates and not have to worry about her. Besides, she would rather be there with Lauren.

"Mila, we already did your hair and makeup and the limo is here! You can't just not come with us" Dinah retorted as she lowered her voice from earlier on. Dinah desperately wanted to tell her best friend that Lauren was indeed coming, but that would ruin the whole surprise and Lauren would surely kill her.

"Yes I can. It's okay Dinah, I promise. I want you guys to have fun and not have to worry about me" Camila smiled as she gestured to the limo that was now parked outside the driveway.

"I hate that you're doing this, but if you really don't wanna go, who am I to force you" Dinah said, trying to hide her nervousness on how the secret plan would work out now.

"Thank you. Now go have the best night ever" Camila said, giving Dinah a heartfelt hug.

Dinah nodded and returned her smile before walking over to Ally and Normani and explaining the situation.

They both tried to convince Camila to join them, knowing that this would be such a memorable night, but Camila just told them to have fun and that she was totally fine.

They ended up saying their goodbyes and as soon as Dinah got in the limo, she failed up Lauren's number.

"Laur, we have a change in plans" Dinah said as she began explaining her new idea.


After the girls left, Camila found herself snuggled up on her couch, having a movie marathon.

She was missing her girlfriend to the point where all she wanted to do was be in her arms, but she knew she would have to settle with a text for now.

Camila [7:33 pm]: I miss you so much ❤️

Laur 💘 [7:34 pm]: I miss you more Camzi. How's prom?

Camila contemplated for a few seconds on whether or not she should tell Lauren that she didn't end up going. She wanted to be honest with her girlfriend, but at the same time, she didn't want Lauren to feel guilty in any way.

Camila [7:36 pm]: I uh, I didn't end up going.

Laur 💘 [7:36 pm]: What!? Why didn't you?

Camila [7:37 pm]: I just wasn't feeling too good. I decided it would be better if I stayed home

Camila replied feeling slightly guilty for not telling Lauren the exact truth, but thinking that she also did the right thing by saving Lauren the guilt.

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