Chapter 11

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Camila's POV

Today was by far, the best day of my life. Lauren came over and tried to talk things out with me. It turns out that I ended up unexpectedly telling Lauren how I felt about her, but it turned out much better than I imagined. I didn't plan on telling her at all, but I guess it was in the heat of the moment and it slipped out of my mouth. Lauren was beyond shocked at first, but she soon talked it over with me and kissed me once again, but this time, she didn't leave. She then told me that she also liked me and that she felt the same way about me. After that, I don't think there was one second where I stopped smiling. I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off of my shoulders, and a sense of relief has washed over me. It feels so amazing knowing that Lauren reciprocates my feelings, and that my fears have been put aside.

Lauren was so sweet when I told her, and she listened to what I had to say. She couldn't have been any more caring towards me especially during this situation. I'm just glad that everything is finally ok, and we can finally go back to normal.

I nuzzled my head into the crook of Lauren's neck as I hid my face from the scary parts of the movie we were currently watching. Lauren pulled me closer to her and intertwined our fingers together. It's crazy how a simple gesture like this, can make my heart skip a beat.

"Laur why are we watching another scary movie? You know that I get scared really easily" I said, my voice slightly muffled due to my head resting in the crook of her neck.

"Awe Camzi, it's ok, I'll protect you." She said, as she placed a light kiss on my forehead

"Uh, Laur, can I ask you something?" I hesitantly asked,

"Yeah of course, you can ask me anything you want." she said, stroking the back of my hand with the pad of her thumb.

I nodded and continued on to what I was asking.

"What exactly are we?" I asked, looking up at her,

"Uhm, teenagers?" she said clearly unsure of her answer, and she looked confused to what I was asking her.

I giggled softly and shook my head.

"No, I mean, like us, what exactly are we now? We've told each other how we feel and I was just wondering if that would change anything between us." I clarified, and waited for her answer.

"Oh I see what you mean. We don't have to act differently towards each other if it makes it awkward between us. I know that we confessed our feelings for each other, so if you want, we can take the step in our relationship?" She half questioned and half stated.  As soon as those words left her mouth I jumped up a little and excitedly nodded my head.

Lauren giggled at my excitement and called me "incredibly cute", her words not mine. Just saying.

"Well alright, here it goes" She said, as she looked me in the eyes, stopped to take a deep breath, and sat up straight before continuing.
"Will you Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao let me have the honour in taking you out on a date this Friday night?" She asked as she took her hands on mine. God she is so adorable.

"Nooo" I blurted out before even noticing what I said, my eyes wide because of my unexpected answer.

"No?  So you don't want to go out with me?" She asked, looking very confused and upset at the same time.

"Wait I meant yes! I only said no because I was just thinking in my head "no way is this happening right now." It just came out wrong because of my excitement" I said, smiling at her and trying to convince her that I wouldn't even hesitate to say yes to her.

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