Chapter 5

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Camila's POV

It's been about two weeks since I told Dinah how I feel about about Lauren, and let me just say, she hasn't stopped talking about it since then.  Man that girl can talk. But to be honest, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I feel better knowing that I have someone to vent out to about this particular topic. Now it's just all based on the fact that she keeps wanting me to "express my love for Lauren" and all. In a perfect world, that's exactly what I would do, but sadly, I can't. In reality, I'm just too afraid of ruining our friendship. Lauren honestly means the world to me, and to imagine her resentment towards me because of not being able to hold in my feelings, just makes me more even more fearful that I'll lose her. Even if it means that I can't be able to call her mine, just seeing her happy makes me happy. I would rather have her in my life as my best friend than not at all.

But anyways, to put away my thoughts, at the moment, I'm currently on my way to Lauren's house to hang out with the girls. Since it's Saturday, we're all sleeping over at Lauren's house. I took a deep breath, picked up all my stuff and walked over to her house.

Lauren's POV

So it's finally the weekend and I am drained. I know it was only the third week of school, but our teachers have been on our case non stop and the work has just been piling up already. And on top of all this, that stupid ass jerk Austin has been all over Camila. God it just annoys the hell out of me knowing he's flirting with her 24/7. She doesn't deserve that jerk at all. Camila deserves the whole world and better yet, a person who can give her all of that. I don't even know if she realizes how amazing she is, and I just hope that someday she will be with someone who can make her feel as beautiful as she really is. I try to make her feel special as much as I can, and it's only a matter of time before I hope she will start to believe me. Whenever I mention her flawless qualities, she just shakes it off and denies my compliments as if she doesn't believe anything I'm saying. I just wish that she could see what I see. I wish that she could look at herself the same way that I look at her.

And with that, I heard my doorbell ring.
I walked to my front door and opened it, expecting Camz to be the first one over since she lives the closest, but I opened it to find Normani, who actually lives the farthest from my house. I mean, we all live fairly close together, but Camila lives literally 4 houses down and Normani lives on the other end of the street just down the road, with Dinah and Ally living in between those distances.

"Oh hey" I said sounding a little less optimistic than I intended to be.

"Wow thanks, you seem so excited to see me" She said, the sarcasm obviously present in her voice. She rolled her eyes playfully at me and laughed as she walked into my house.

"Sorry, I was just expecting you to be last when showing up since you live the farthest. I meant to sound surprised but I guess it came out as more of a disappointed tone since my assumption was clearly wrong." I said, joining in her laughter.

"So it's just me and you girl" she said as we plopped down onto the couch.

"Any new topics to gossip about?" I asked, trying to keep my mind off of everything that was stressing me out.

Normani was always someone who I could open up to. She's just easy to talk to, and I've been friends with her for a pretty long time. Like I said, me and Camz have known each other since we were born, and we met Normani, Dinah, and Ally in 4th Grade. Ever since then, us 5 girls have been inseparable. We've always been there for each other and we got each other's backs. These girls know me inside and out.

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