Chapter 10 (Part 2)

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Lauren's POV

It's been almost 2 weeks since I kissed Camila. I kissed her.
I kissed her, yet I'm the one who can't talk to her. I'm the one who is ignoring her. And I feel like an absolute asshole to be honest. I miss talking to her. I miss cuddling with her. I miss our friendship. I miss us.

Camila has tried to talk to me numerous times throughout the this whole time, and all I've done is ignore her. We've never ignored each other for this long and I feel sick to my stomach knowing that we're not in a good situation right now. I've been wanting to talk to her, but every time I try, no words come out of my mouth. Nothing.
If only she knew why I was doing this. If she only knew how I was feeling right now. She didn't even come to school today, and that hardly ever happens. I know that because I did the same thing last week.

I got home from school about an hour ago, and Ally, Mani, and I, are doing homework in my room.

"Have you guys talked to Dinah lately? I haven't gotten a chance to" I said,

"I talked to her this morning in gym class. She's just trying to focus on being there for Mila right now." Mani said, both her and Ally looking upset by the separation in our group. I felt even worse knowing that I caused this. My friends are suffering from my screw ups, and worst of all, Camila is suffering because of this. I hurt my best friend. The one person I care about more than anyone else in the whole world.

As if on cue, Dinah walked in, said hi and took a seat on my bed along with the rest of us.

Dinah looked at us, mainly me, and then threw her head back onto my pillow. She covered her eyes and stayed silent.
We were all very shocked to see that Dinah was in fact, crying. Dinah is one of the toughest people I know, and I don't think I've seen her cry because of a particular situation before. She's usually the one to help fix the situation and be there for everyone, and seeing her break down broke not only my heart, but Mani and Ally's as well.
I pulled Dinah into my arms and rubbed her back soothingly. The others joined in and we were all engulfed into a big group hug. We pulled away after a few minutes, and Dinah wiped away her tears.

"She's just so upset. I've never seen Mila like this guys. Yesterday I went to her house and when I walked into her room, she was flooding tears. And about an hour later, I found her in her bathroom punching and hitting the wall while screaming. Her hands were bleeding and her arms are really bruised. She just seems so.. broken. I don't know what to do." She said, having a hopeless expression in her eyes.

After hearing that, I broke down in front of all of them. I couldn't stop the tears from falling, and for the first time, instead of trying to force them away, I let them fall freely.
I can't believe I did that to her. I caused this.

I was engulfed into a hug by Mani who constantly told me that everything was going to be alright.

"You have to talk to her Laur, things can't go on like this," Ally said, giving me an honest look.

"I want to, I really do. I just don't know what to say. Every time I try to talk to her, nothing can come out of my mouth." I said, expressing my emotions to the 3 girls in front of me.

"You have to try Laur, this is unhealthy for both of you." Dinah said, giving me a pleading look.

I listened to my friends and finally built the courage to go and talk to Camila.

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