Chapter 10 (Part 1)

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Camila's POV

It has been about almost 2 weeks since the incident with Lauren, and let me just say, it was the worst week of my life. It actually felt like hell to be honest.
Lauren hasn't spoken one word to me since that night. When I try to talk to her, she just ignores what I say, and she can't even bare to look me in the eyes. When we pass each other in the hallways, she looks in the other direction. It kills me inside, knowing that my best friend won't even talk to me. Ever since that night, I have cried myself to sleep every night.
I can't help it. I break down every time I even think about it, and I can't avoid thinking about it either. With our situation right now, our group kind of slit up. At lunch now, Ally and Mani sit with Lauren across the cafeteria, and Dinah sits with me. They still talk to me, but we thought it would be best if we could both have someone to hang out with for now. My heart aches literally every minute of every day and the heart-wrenching pain is constantly torturing me.

Now, I'm sat here in my room alone, looking at my old picture albums to help me reminisce on the good old times.
I flipped through the pages of the album and smiled as I noticed all the happy moments that have happened throughout my life. It was nice to just slip away from the present and remember the positive moments. My bright smile soon turned into a sad smile as I came across some pictures of Lauren and I, as well as all of my girls together. There was this one picture of Lauren and I falling down as a result of her attempting to teach me to ice skate. I started to laugh, and through my laughter, I felt a flow of warm tears rolling down my face. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing so I just chose to let them flow freely.

"Hey Mila did you see-" Dinah started to say as she walked into my room and saw me sobbing while clutching the pictures that were in my hands. She stopped in her tracks and as she looked at me, I could see in her facial expression that she was feeling upset about the situation as well. I instantly felt bad since the girls have also been dragged into this mess.

"Mila please don't cry, because if you cry, I'll cry. I can't bare to see you like this anymore. It's been almost 2 weeks and you and Lauren have never, and I mean never, ignored each other for this long. I'm pretty sure the longest amount of time you guys haven't talked, was like a few hours before you both apologized. This is insane! You guys have to make up!" She said with a pleading, yet sympathetic look filled in her eyes.

"I know it's been hard on both of you, especially you because of how you feel about her, but you can't give up on trying to make up with her. This situation is just upsetting everyone. We just want you guys to be happy, and we all know that you guys are happier together." she smiled at me, lightly lifting my chin, trying to get me to look up at her.

"I've tried Dinah. I just feel like she wants nothing to do with me anymore." I said, letting a few tears escape the corners of my eyes.

"You know that's not true, Lauren feels equally as upset about this. We've talked to her and she breaks down every time we bring it up." She said,

"If she feels just as upset, then why won't she talk to me? Why won't she answer me whenever I reach out and talk to her? Why is she making feel like I'm nothing to her after all these years! After all we've been through! After all we've been through.." I said, as I practically broke down in front of Dinah. I couldn't hold all of this in anymore. It was, and still is just eating me alive. I just can't.

Dinah pulled me into her arms and we just laid there on my bed, the only sounds filling the room were of my sobbing and Dinah telling me that everything was going to be alright. After a few minutes I felt dinah relax her arms around me and I could hear her light snores. She stayed over last night and probably couldn't fall sleep because of the sound of me crying.  She comforted me throughout the night, and now it was taking a toll on her.

After a while, I quietly got up and went to the washroom without waking Dinah. I looked at myself in the mirror, and saw that my eyes were stained red, and it looked like the blood was drained from my face. I shook my head and wiped at my eyes to try to stop myself from crying even more.

I'm a mess. No wonder Lauren wants to stay away from me. This tormenting voice in my head kept repeating over and over again. At that moment, I lost it. I absolutely lost it. I started hitting and punching the wall, and the next thing I knew, Dinah was pulling me back, restraining me so that I could no longer hit the wall.

"Shh, Mila it's ok. Please, don't do this to yourself. You're so much better than that." I could feel Dinah stroking my back, and I heard the light sniffling coming from her. She wiped her tears and brought me back to my room as we both drifted off to sleep.
Dinah's POV

Last night was crazy. I feel so bad for both Lauren and Camila. This whole thing is just a giant mess and I hate seeing both of them like this. Yesterday Camila couldn't stop crying, and I found her in the bathroom punching and hitting the wall. She hurt her hands and arms pretty bad, and she just looked so, broken. Mila's parents have been so worried about her lately and I am as well. She's like a sister to me, and to see her like this, just breaks my heart even more.

It's been about an hour since school ended, and I decided that I needed to talk to Lauren because things were getting out of control. I wanted to sort some things out with her so her and Mila could just make up already.

I got to Lauren's house and her mom let me in. I walked into her room, greeted the 3 of them, and made my way to Lauren's bed. I looked at them and threw my head back and covered my face with my hands. I started crying, and that's very unlikely for me, but this has just taken a toll on all of us. Lauren looked at me with an apologetic look and the others looked just as upset as I was.

Lauren pulled me into her arms and she rubbed my back soothingly. The others joined in and we were all engulfed into a big group hug. We pulled away after a few minutes, and I wiped away her tears.

"She's just so upset. I've never seen Mila like this guys. Yesterday I went to her house and when I walked into her room, she was flooding tears. And about an hour later, I found her in her bathroom punching and hitting the wall while screaming. Her hands were bleeding and her arms are really bruised. She just seems so.. broken. I don't know what to do." She said, having a hopeless expression in her eyes.

After hearing that, Lauren broke down in front of all of us. She couldn't stop the tears from falling, and she just gave up on forcing them to stop, letting them flow freely down her face.
We could all see that Lauren felt really guilty for having Camila feel like this.

Lauren was engulfed into a hug by Mani who constantly told her that everything was going to be alright.

"You have to talk to her Laur, things can't go on like this," Ally said, giving her an honest look.

"I want to, I really do. I just don't know what to say. Every time I try to talk to her, nothing can come out of my mouth." Lauren said, expressing her emotions to the 3 of us.

"You have to try Laur, this is unhealthy for both of you." I said, giving her a pleading look.

I guess that she listened to my us and so she finally built the courage to go and talk to Camila.

"Ok. I'll go over to her house. I'm gonna try to fix things." she said, with all of us feeling the slightest bit of hope that things would be ok.

I hope that everything will be alright with them.

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