Chapter 13

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Camila's POV

And that's when the doorbell rang. I felt my heart rate speeding up and I took a deep breath to calm down before opening the door.

Third Person POV

Camila opened the door to see Lauren standing in front of her looking slightly shy, holding a single red rose in her hands. Lauren was wearing a simple 1975 shirt with black skinny jeans, all topped off with her favourite leather jacket. Her outfit was simple, yet Camila thought she looked more beautiful than ever.

Lauren stared at Camila with endearment in her expression, and her mouth slightly agape due to how stunning she thought Camila looked.

"Wow, you look- uh- wow" Lauren said, clearly lost for words at the moment. She looked down in embarrassment and the tinted red colour was now visible on her cheeks. Lauren knew that she never acted this nervous in front of anyone before, so she instantly knew that she was in a new territory. Not that it was a bad thing, but she just knew in her heart, that she had never felt this way in any of her past relationships.

Was Lauren nervous? Did Camila make her nervous? This thought struck Camila's mind like a lightning bolt. She never thought that she would be the person to make Lauren Jauregui nervous.
Camila smiled widely at Lauren's current state, realizing that the older girl never acted this nervous in the past, and she generously replied.

"Thank you Laur. You look stunning" she smiled, looking at Lauren with such endearment in her eyes.

"Uh, this is for you Camz" Lauren said, handing the rose to Camila.

"Thanks! Let me just go put this in a va-" Camila's sentence was cut off by Dinah, who was now standing before the two girls.

"I'll take it Mila, you two kids have fun." Dinah smiled, before speaking up once again. "Have her back by 11. Got that?" She said, trying to stare Lauren down in seriousness, which ended up failing.

"What are you, her mom?" Lauren asked, laughing at Dinah's protectiveness over Camila.

"No, but I gotta be out of here by 11 so you better get your ass here before then" Dinah said, earning a playful eye roll from the two girls.

"Alight, she'll be back by then, don't worry. Now can I please take my girl out on a date?" Lauren said, looking at Dinah questioningly as if she was waiting for permission from the younger girl.

Camila immediately smiled lightly and blushed at Lauren's use of words and her mentioning that she was "Lauren's girl". Her heart fluttered just thinking about it once again.

Dinah nodded in approval and said goodbye to Lauren and Camila who were now headed out the door. But before the door could close, Dinah yelled something that was meant for both of them to hear.

"Oh! And you have to spill all of the details later. Remember, no sex on the first date!" She blatantly yelled, and both Lauren and Camila blushed profusely in embarrassment, as their eyes went wide and their mouths dropped.

"DINAH!" Lauren and Camila yelled back, overhearing the sound of Ally and Normani's loud laughs on their way out.

"Well that was interesting." Lauren laughed, lightly shaking her head at Dinah's statement.

"I guess you could say that." Camila said, laughing alongside Lauren.

They walked to Lauren's car, Lauren once again being a gentlewoman and opening the passenger door for Camila.

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