Chapter 24

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Camila slowly found herself waking up early the next morning. She blinked a few times to get rid of the blurriness and the memories from the night before came flowing back.

Lauren was moving away.

She tried to blink back a few tears as she looked down at her girlfriend who was laying in her arms.

Camila suddenly choked up as she replayed that thought through her mind a few more times. It pained her to think of being separated from Lauren. They've spent their whole lives together.

Lauren slowly opened her eyes and looked at Camila who quickly wiped away her tears before Lauren could see. Lauren smiled at her girlfriend and Camila returned the gesture with a light kiss on her forehead.

Lauren's smile faded as soon as she remembered the events from the night before. She felt the urge to cry once again as she looked at the girl whom she loved more than anything. She didn't want this to end. Everything was going so well and Lauren couldn't believe that all of that came crashing down within a day.

"Laur, babe, please don't cry" Camila pleaded as she felt her heart break at the sight of tears springing out of her girlfriend's eyes.

"I just.. I don't wanna leave Camz" Lauren said through a shaky voice as she nuzzled her head into Camila's neck.

"I know baby, I know." Camila said as she wiped the tears from Lauren's eyes. "I don't want you to leave either Lauren" Camila admitted, trying her hardest to hold in her tears and stay strong for her girlfriend.

She had to do something. She had to try and fix this. Camila thought to herself.


"But Mami if Clara would listen to anyone, it would be you! You guys are best friends. Please mom" Camila pleaded Sinu to try and talk Clara out of the move.

"Mija, that is their decision. I know you don't want Lauren to move and I know that this will be hard for you, but I don't think Clara will easily be persuaded." Sinu explained as she rested a hand in her daughter's shoulder in a comforting matter.

"Mom please. Please try. I can't be away from Lauren. I love her" Camila wholeheartedly admitted as she tried once more to plead for her mother's help.

"Karla it is not my place to question Clara's decisions-" Sinu started before she was interrupted midway by Camila.

"So you won't even try?! Fine! I'll do it myself. I have to do something!" Camila started off, and by this time she hadn't even noticed that tears were flowing down her face. "I can't just sit here and watch Lauren leave. I can't" Camila attempted to say sternly, but it was unsuccessful when her voice cracked and she started to sob uncontrollably.

"Mija-" Sinu said as she made her way over to her daughter.

"No- mom I have to fix this" Camila said as she stepped back and walked out the front door.

She made her way over to Lauren's house. She stood outside on the porch for a few minutes, finally gaining composure and running possible scenarios in her mind.

Camila took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.

Clara opened the door and smiled at Camila.

"Camila! Lauren isn't here right now, she's out getting groceries with Mike" Clara explained,

"Uhm, actually I came here to talk to you.." Camila said as she worriedly looked at Clara for a response.

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