Chapter 27

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"So how has living in Georgia been Laur?" Ally asked, smiling with excitement due to her group of 5 being back together.

"Pretty shitty to be honest. The school sucks, my house is boring and I don't have you guys with me." Lauren sighed as she spoke openly about her feelings to her friends.

"Did you make any new friends?" Normani questioned, honestly wondering if Lauren found herself a new group of friends.

"Nope. But luckily, I do have one friend. You guys remember Lucy?" Lauren asked, knowing that they all used to talk to Lucy back in freshman year.

"Lucy Vives?"

"Oh my god I remember her!"

"She's really cool"

"Lucy. Righttt." Camila said, letting her last word slowly roll off her tongue as she sat their deep in thought.

"How is she doing?" Dinah asked, genuinely curious as to what happened to their long lost friend.

"She's doing great. I'm glad that I have her to help me get through school" Lauren admitted as she continued on talking about her and Lucy's evolving friendship.

After a few minutes of hearing Lucy this, Lucy that, Camila rolled her eyes in annoyance. It's not that she didn't like Lucy, but she always had the feeling of jealousy when she talked about or when she used to hang out with them. Camila would be lying if she said that she wasn't scared of losing Lauren to Lucy in the past. She definitely was. Lucy was pretty, smart, and she was super kind. That intimidated Camila, so she felt jealous when she was the one hanging out with Lauren once again. It wasn't a type of jealousy that meant she was extremely possessive of Lauren, but it was more of an insecure type of jealousy. She feared the thought of Lauren leaving her for someone who was obviously better suited for her.

"Well it's good that you have someone that you know" Normani smiled at Lauren.

"Yeah, she's great" Lauren said, which earned a huff of annoyance from Camila.

Lauren quickly noticed her girlfriend's change in behaviour, and she instantly regretted her last statement. She meant that Lucy was great friendly company to have around.

"Camz, are you okay?" Lauren spoke nervously reaching to hold Camila's hand, but Camila retracted her hand in an instant.

"I'm fine." Camila huffed once more.

"Then why won't you hold my hand?" Lauren mumbled with a frown.

"Why don't you go hold Lucy's hand. I'm sure you'll both be happy together." Camila snapped as she got up and made her way out of the room, slamming her door in the process.

Lauren winced at Camila's words and the abrupt sound of the door slamming. She wasn't talking about Lucy in any type of romantic way. She thought Camila knew that her feelings were kept for her, and her alone. Knowing that Camila had doubts and trust issues with Lauren, made her feel extremely upset.

Lauren tried to go after Camila, but instead Dinah insisted on doing so, so she excused herself and chased after her best friend. She wasn't going to let her ship sink now. After all, she was the captain.

"Mila, what the hell was that?" Dinah asked

"I-I just- I don't know." Camila admitted as she let outa frustrated sigh. She ran her fingers through her hair and screamed into a pillow.

Truth was, Camila didn't exactly know why she snapped at her girlfriend. Her feelings of jealousy were just too high and it made her explode. She didn't mean to be like that. Especially to the one person she loved the most. Her insecurities just got the best of her.

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