Chapter 20

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The next day, Lauren was just finishing up softball practice during her spare. She was walking to the change room when she heard the voice of the obnoxious jerk that she had so much hatred towards.

"Did you and Camilla finally break up?" Austin asked, smirking as he moved closer to Lauren.

"No. We didn't. You're a complete idiot if you thought that we would break up over you of all reasons." Lauren fired back as she pushed past him and tried to continue on her way to the change room.

Austin just kept moving in front of Lauren. She tried to push past him once more, but this time, he grabbed a hold of her wrist and looked at her with an annoyed expression. The more Lauren tried to get away, the tighter Austin's grip got.

Lauren was disgusted that he was just this close to her, let alone holding onto her wrist and not letting go. So instead of using her hands that we're unable to move at the moment, she kneed him in the balls. Hard. Literally no holding back.

Austin quickly let go of her wrists and groaned out in pain. This bought Lauren enough time to get away from him.

She tried to run away and avoid anymore contact with Austin, but he really didn't want to let that to happen.

He attempted to grab her wrist once again, and but this time, Lauren socked him in the face. And being the abusive person that he is, Austin punched back.

"Shiitt!"Lauren fell to the ground and reached up to touch her face. He surprisingly threw another punch her way, and Lauren winced in pain.

Before Austin had the chance to do anything else, Lauren quickly got up and started punching him straight in the face. He collapsed onto the ground and he held his nose to stop it from bleeding anymore. This time around, Lauren didn't stop that easily. She kept throwing punches one after the other, and eventually, he pleaded for her to stop. She didn't really listen to that request and she carried on with the beating.

A few more punches later, she got up and grabbed a hold of the front of Austin's shirt and looked him straight in his busted eyes.

"Stay the hell away from Camila and I. I mean it." She said sternly as she threw him back down and walked away, leaving Austin lying on the field.

Lauren walked into the change room and looked in the mirror. Apparently Austin punched her harder than she expected. Her lip was busted and you could see a black bruise forming around her eye.

Great. He gave me a freakin black eye. Lauren thought as she reached up to touch her throbbing puffy eye.

She looked down at her knuckles, which were now turning dark purple.

She really didn't want to go to the Nurses office, but she didn't really have a choice here.

Lauren sighed heavily as she trudged down to the Nurses office. One she got there, she saw Austin sitting on the waiting chairs. As soon as he spotted her though, his eyes widened and he ran out the door.

Lauren then smiled slyly in satisfaction and asked for an ice pack while she waited for the nurse.

Now the only issue was, she didn't want Camila to find out.

Camila never liked it when Lauren got involved in any kind of violence due to the fact of Lauren always getting hurt. Camila hated seeing Lauren hurt, so she made her promise to avoid violent confrontations sine that whole incident with Camila's bullies last year.

Which she did. Until now.


Camila was sitting in History class when her teacher got a phone call in class.

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