Chapter 8

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Camila's POV

Monday morning, first period. Not in the mood for school at all. This morning is just like any other Monday morning, yet I feel even more tired than I usually I am. Staying up until 2 am on a night before school with Dinah wasn't really the best idea that we've ever had. I took so long to get out of bed because I struggled to open my eyes for about an hour. Lauren picked me up at the usual time, but on the way to school she was unusually quiet.

Although in the back of my head I've been listening to Lauren's voice in my mind saying that we're going to have the best year yet, I can't stop thinking that something is slightly wrong. I tried to ignore that feeling, but it just pierces through my soul and it manages to come out one way or another. We've actually been having a good time so far this year, but Lauren has acted, somewhat, different... I don't know whether I did something or not, but it just worries me, knowing that the girl of my dreams, but most importantly my best friend, has something going on right now. Lauren usually opens up to me, and has no problem with talking to me about what's going on, but we both know that there is still a part of her that is slightly isolated, and kept to herself.

I sat in homeroom, not really paying attention to the teacher's words, her voice slowly drifting away and out of my thoughts. I was going through what could've possibly upset Lauren. I recalled the last time she seemed upset and was unusually silent, and it was during the first week of school. I tried to talk to her about it, but again, she pushed it aside, brushed it off like it was nothing, and kept it to herself. I understand that some things are meant to be kept private, but it just hurts me not knowing what to do.

"Maybe she heard us talking about her at the sleepover?" I thought, contemplating on whether or not I should talk to her about this.
Just one more period until lunch. One more. I don't know why, but today is going by agonizingly slow and minutes have been feeling like hours to me. And just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse, I realized that this was the one class I was totally alone in. I just wish I had at least one of my friends in this class. I mean, I know most of these people, but they still feel like strangers to me. Wow. Saying that made me realize how anti social that made me sound. All I meant, is that the 4 girls that have come to know, are my best friends and I feel alone without them sometimes. I sat down in a seat in the back corner of the class and stared out the window while I waited for class to start.

"Hey Camilla" I turned my head and looked up to find Austin smiling at me. "Is this seat taken?" He asked, hoping that it would be alright if he could sit in the seat next to me.

"It's actually Camila, but yeah that seat is free, you can sit here." I gave him a small smile in return, but thinking about how many times I've had to correct him when saying my name.  Maybe he just forgot. I shook it off and looked back at him to hear him speak.

"So how have you been? You look really nice today" He asked, turning a slight smirk into a smile.

"I'm good. And thank you by the way. What about you?" I replied awkwardly, not really knowing how to respond to his compliment.

He nodded in response, and spoke up once again.

"I've been ok, had some ups and downs lately.  Things have been hard."  He said, as he sighed deeply, telling me what has been occupied in his mind.

I nodded in response, and continued to converse with him throughout the time before lunch.  I felt sympathy for him, as he told me that he's been having a hard time at home with family problems going o at the moment. I was surprised that he even chose this information to share with me since we barely know each other. I guess he is nicer than people would expect him to be. It's always good to give someone a chance.
I sighed heavily as I made my way through the extremely crowded halls to get to my locker. Once I got there, I was focused on putting my books into my locker and was startled by a pair of hands that shook me.

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