Chapter 8

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After JJ gave me the letter, she told me to go get her tomorrow and that Amber might be weird around me because she doesn't trust new people.

"Elle" I turn around to see Hotch standing in the doorway of his office. "Could you come here for a second?"

"Yes sir." I follow him into his office.

"So tomorrow you are going to get Amber JJ sister, right?" I nodded my head. "Okay, you can have the jet since the case we have is here."

"Thank you sir."

"You are dismissed." I walk out of his office and out of the building. I went to my car. I put JJ's letter in my wallet. 'What is Amber like?' I thought as I drove home.


I got to the plane around nine. It would be around three hour flight. JJ told me Amber wanted to school, so I would pick her up from there. I sat down in my normally spot.

-About 3 hours later-

I was meted by Sheriff Mills. He gave me her suitcase that she pack yesterday. "She at the High School." 'A High School' I thought. He must have saw my puzzle look. "She is very smart." I nodded my head. He said that he had to go back to work and that one of his coworkers would let me borrow his car. I thanked him and drove to the High School.

I walk up the schools steps and into the building. I saw the office right away. I walk up to one of the  ladies.

"I am here for Amber Jareau."

"You are Elle Greenaway." I nodded my head.


"I will need you driver license." I once again nodded as I grab my wallet out of my pocket. I pull it out and gave it to her. She nodded and gave me back my driver license. She walk to a machine. She pressed a button and said, "Is Amber in the lunch room?" She waited for a little bit.

The machine mad a weird noise as someone said, "No, she ran out. Try Mrs. Erickson." The lady shook her head.

She pressed a different button and said, "Mrs. Erickson is Amber in your room?"


"Can she come to the office? She will be leaving."


"She will be down here in a little bit. You can sit in one of those seats." She pointed to the seats across the hall. 

"Thank you." I turn and walk to the seats. I sat in the one nearest to the door. I look around the hallway and saw the trophy case. I stood up and walk to it. There was a picture of what look like JJ when she was younger playing soccer. There was another picture of the whole team kneeling/ standing. She was standing on one of the ends.

"She was captain. " A quiet voice said. I jump and turn around to see a young girl who couldn't be more than 11 or 12 with blonde hair and green mixed with blue eyes. She look like a younger JJ.

"Are you Amber?" She nodded her head. "Hello I am Elle Greenaway. Your sister is one of my friends and coworkers. I am here to pick you up."

"I know." She looks like she was in pain. She kept putting most of her weight on one leg.

"I have a letter from JJ for you." I pull her letter out of my left pocket. I handed it to her. She nodded and start to read it. Then put it in her jean pocket.

"Are you ready to go?" She nodded her head. I walk out with her trailing behind me. We got into the car.

"Can we go to my house?" I look at her. "So I can grab some clothes. I am guessing that you have pick up my suitcase and there are only four outfits in there."

"Sure." She told me the address. I drove there. As soon as I park, she jump out and ran into the house. I shut off the car and walk after her. As soon as I got into the house, I knew that the murders were bad ones. I could still smell the blood. I look around and found a blood stain on the carpet. I shook my head. I was about to call for Amber when she came down the stairs with a bag of clothes. She walk past me and out to the car. I follow her and couldn't stop thinking about the blood. 

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