Chapter 7

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"Honey wake up." I woke to my mom waking me up. "Hey sweetie, do you want some pancakes?"

"Yes." She grab my hands and pull me onto my feet. I followed her down the stairs and to the kitchen. I sat down in my normal spot at the island. I watch my mom make the pancakes. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hi daddy."

"Hello sweetie." I heard an unfamiliar voice. I turn around to see a man standing behind me with a mask on. He had black clothes on and a knife.

"Mom" I yelled as I jumped down from my seat. I turn around to see my mom leaning on the counter with her throat slashed. I turn around to the see the man right in front of me.

"I won't forget to get you this time." He said as he brought the knife down to stab me. I ran around the island and through the living room. "Come back here." As I past the coffee table, I trip on lamp cord. I fell on my face. "There you are." The man came into my view.

"No please stop. I didn't do anything to you." I said as I crawl back into the wall. He walk up to me and aimed the knife at my throat. He squat down.

"Shut up." I look around the room for something to use as a weapon. I grab a book for under the couch and slap.......

"Wake up." I woke up to Mills shaking me awake. He pull me into a hug. "Sh it's okay." He stood up as he help me up. We walk to the kitchen. I saw his wife Margo making breakfast.

"Hey Am. Are you hungry?" I nodded my head as I went to seat down at the table.


"Amber I call your sister last night." I look at Mills. "She is going to send someone to pick you up later." I nodded again. Margo sat down the pancakes in front of me.

"Thank you Mrs. Mills." She smiles at me. "When is the person coming to pick me up?"

"Around 2 or 3. Why do you ask?"

"Can I go to school?" I saw him start to argue. "I have some stuff I need to get."

"Okay. I will drive you." I nodded my head.

"Thank you." I said as I stood up taking my plate to the sink.

I got out of Sheriff Mills car and walk up the steps. 'I didn't lie. I have to grab some stuff.' I just wanted to get out of there. I walk into school.

Everything went like normal until lunch. I walk into the lunch room. I walk around the preps table. Margo pack me some lunch. She told me that it was the least she could do. I sat down eating my lunch when Cammie came walk behind me. She sat down at in front of me. "Cammie I am not in the mood for your bullying today." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey nerd. Guess what I heard?" She look at me like I was going to answer. " I heard someone got a  little to close with Tobias." Tobias was Lucy's boyfriend and was the star of the football team. A lot of girls thought he was hot. I thought he was nice looking but he is not my type.

"Well someone heard wrong." I said as I stood up.

"Sure." She grab my arm and spun me around.

"What do you want?" I tried to pull my arm away but got threw down on the ground. She walk to me. "No one like you. You little brat. No one likes a smart mouth who thinks that she better than everyone." She look around the lunch room. She smile at me and started to kick me in the side of my stomach. Each time she kick me, she said a insult. I grab her leg and pull on it to make her fall.

She fell down on her butt. I stood up and walk over to Lucy. "I know this was your doing. To tell her to do that.  You know that I don't like him. Why do you have to be so mean to me or anyone? I was never mean to you. And do you know what happen last night. No my parents were murder in my house. So what do you want to use that against me. Want to call me a orphan." I yelled at her. She look at me in disgust. I storm out. "I hope you have a nice life Lucy and Cammie." I yell back at them. I ran up to Mrs. Erickson.

I ran into her classroom. " Are you okay?" I shook my head. "What happen? Was it Lucy and Cammie?"

"No my parents are dead." Mrs. Erickson gave me a hug.

"It's okay." I wanted to cry but I didn't. "Where are you going to stay?"

"With my sister."

"Mrs. Erickson do you have Amber in your room?" The over head speaker said.


"Can she come to the office? She will be leaving."

"Okay." I let go of her. "Good bye.

 "Good bye." I turn around and walk out of the classroom.


Like it i hope you did. Omg I am watching this tv show Tattoo Nightmare and well I am a totally geek with Greek mythology. Well this dude had a bad tattoo and for the cover up he got a Poseidon where it was. Man it was so cool.  

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