Chapter 20

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"Wake up." I heard JJ yelling at me.

"Ten more minutes."

"No now. I have a case and you have online classes." I groan. "If you don't get up, I will pour water on you." I pushed off the covers and jump out of the bed. I ran to the bathroom and jumped into the shower. I quickly take a shower and jump back out. I look at the burns from the Fisher King's house burning down. I shake my head. I pulled on a kings men's shirt and a pair of jeans. I put my hair in a ponytail and strolled out of the bathroom. I went into my room and grab my supernatural bag.

"Amber don't get breakfast. Garcia is bringing doughnuts."

"Okay." I say as I put on my shoes and jean jacket. JJ walks down the stairs.

"Let's go."

-Time skip-

I was sitting in one of the chair that were around the 'round table', eating a doughnut. The team had a new case. They were all looking at the TV screen.

"So the music's not added like a regular soundtrack. It's in the background, so if you turn it down, you also turn down the voices." Morgan asks.

"Well, can't we get Garcia to separate the audio tracks?"

"She's working on it now."

"Well, the sooner we hear how he talks to the victim, the sooner we'll know what kind of man we're dealing with."

"Tell us about Laura Clemensen."

"20 years old. Sophomore at Jacksonville University in Florida. Assumed to be the fifth in a series of rapes and murders over the past two years. Some women were abducted in parking lots, others while they were running." JJ states.

"And when was she reported missing?" Hotch asks.

"Technically she wasn't. Roommate thought she was visiting family. Family thought she was at school." JJ said.

"Close to her family?" Hotch asks.

"Very. She had dinner with them on Sunday."

"That was five days ago, and nobody's seen her until now."

"She wasn't killed on the tape and given forensics, other victims were tortured for weeks before they were killed, so I think we should operate as if she's still alive."

"Not for long if the b*st*rd gets his way." Elle says.

"Ok, I don't get it. This is the fifth abduction and now the second DVD. Why'd they wait to call this in?" Morgan asks.

"The last victim's family received this DVD two months ago. Jacksonville P.D. thought maybe they'd get some more clues instead of just raise more questions." JJ says as she turns on the video. I get tired of listening and pull out my laptop. I turn it on and go to my online classes. I put on head phones and start to work on the classes.

After a while, JJ taps on my shoulder. I pull out my headphones.

"Hey, we are going to get going. Is it okay if you stay here for the case?" I nod my head. "Okay do you want to spend the night at Garcia's house or ours?"

"I can stay at our house." She smiles.

"Okay I will tell Garcia. You are going to stay here tell Garcia get off work then she will take you home. Tomorrow, you can just stay home." She kisses the top of my forehead. "Bye Am."

"Bye J." With that she walks out of the room.

For a little bit I just did my school work. I got ahead by a couple of days of course. Finally I get bored, so I walk to Garcia's room. She was doing her techy stuff. "Hey Garcia."

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