Chapter 9

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I walk out of Mrs. Erickson's room and down the stairs to the office. I walk down the hallway of the office and saw a brunette lady staring at the trophies. I saw that she was looking at my sister. "She was the captain." I saw the lady jump and turn around. She was pretty. She had brown eyes.

"Are you Amber?" I nodded my head not wanting to talk anymore. "Hello my name is Elle Greenaway. Your sister is my friend and coworker. I am here to pick you up." ' Man my right side is killing me. Why did Cammie have to do that?' I put most of my weight on my left side to help ease the pain.

"I know." I said softly. She look at me like she knew something was wrong.

"I have a letter from JJ for you." She pull out the letter out of her pocket and handed it to me.

           Dear Amber

    I am sorry that I can't be there to pick you up. My friend Elle is here to pick you up. If you don't want to you don't have to talk to her. I know that you don't like to talk to new people. I told her not to push you. I know that you don't want to leave but I am sorry that you have to. You must be thinking that someone else wrote this to prove that I did. Last year I got us matching necklaces and inside there is a picture of me and our parents. I know that you didn't show anyone this. I didn't either. We made a promise not to.

      Love JJ

I look up at Elle as I put the letter in my pocket.

"Are you ready to go?" I nodded my head. I walk behind her to her car limping not caring If someone saw. I got into the passenger seat.

"Can we go to my house?" She look at me weird. "So I can grab some clothes. I am guessing that you have pick up my suitcase and there is only four outfits in there."

"Sure" I told her my address. Then look out of the window. When she stop the car, I got out speed walking to my house. I smelt the blood inside. I walk upstairs and grab a bag. I start to grab shirts from my closet. I grab some jeans and short from my dresser with other socks and that stuff. I look up to see a picture of my parents with JJ and I. I grab it and tossed into my bag. I grab my bag and walk down the stairs. I saw Elle looking around. She was trying to hide her sadness and shock. I walk past her and into the car. She trail behind me.

Elle drove to the airport. I was about to get out when Elle drove past the gates and to a private jet. I was amazed. She stop the car and kill the engine. I got out and grab my suitcase with my bag. I followed her into the plane. There was two wooden tables with chairs. There was couches too. I walk to one of the couches and laid down on my left side. I felt so tired. I saw Elle sit down in one of the chairs. I grab the couch pillow and put it under my head. I fell asleep.

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