Chapter 15

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"We have a CIA escort. Okay? It's weird and a little scary." Garcia says as we walk out of the elevator. The men who I guess were the escort follow us. I roll my eyes but I agree with Garcia. The guards kept looking at me weirdly.

"What do you think this is about?" My sister says.

"Call me semicolon but considering it's our day off it's nothing good." I bit back a laugh.

"You are a genius. " JJ says.

"Am I allow to go in there while you guys are on a case?" I ask JJ.

"Yah I already talk to Hotch. He says it's okay." We all walk to the conference room. Elle was already sitting down in her seat so was Morgan. Hotch and Gideon were standing up by a man that look important. Garcia and Reid go sit down in their seats while I go sit on the couch. JJ sits down.

"The CIA's counter terrorist unit is engaged to save one of it's informants. They suspect one of it's agents is a mole. Until that identity that mole is discovered. They lock down that unit." Hotch says.

"That gives us the opportunity to profile the mole up close. Go ahead." Gideon looks at the man in between Hotch and him.

"Start the video feed." The man says into his ear thing. We all look at the TV to see two pictures of men.

"John Summers was the CIA's best field agent in the middle east. Three nights ago, he was found in his home in Washington. He had been torture and was murdered." Hotch informs us. Three more pictures pop onto the screen. One was of John sitting down in a chair dead. The next two was of his face which were bloody.

"CIA made it look like suicide." Gideon says.

"How would you like that job?" Reid says. Morgan stood up and walk to the screen.

"Guys." He points to the screen. "Look at the wound patterns. They come from to different angles. Different heights. Ones right handed and the other ones left. Looks to me, he was torture by more than two different people. "Morgan look at Hotch.

"Hotch, what was Summers working on?" Hotch was going to answer but the man in the room stops him. He looks at me than at Hotch. Hotch just nods.

"Amber can you go hang out with Anderson?" Hotch ask me. I just nod and walk out of the room to where Anderson was.

"Hey Anderson." I stop in front of him.

"Hey Amber did you get kick out?" I nod my head. He smiles at me and motion to sit down. I just smile at him as I sit down.

Garcia, JJ and I where walking to Garcia's office with a one of the CIA's guards following us. "If I may ask sir, I don't know your name."

"Nathan" JJ says.

"The thing I don't get is our team there. Why can't we go to Langley? Do I look like a threat to National Security to you really?"

"Your name is on a list." Says the guard Nathan. JJ and I walk to Garcia's desk and sit down.

"A list. What list? I work for the FBI. You are telling me I am on a list that I can't go to the CIA."

"You are on a list." That was all that Nathan said. I look around at Garcia's computers to see that the Central intelligence agency sign came up.

"Um Garcia?" I say. She turn around and walk to her desk. She sat down in the middle of JJ and I. Garcia turns back to the guard as a login thing pops up. Nathan just walk in between Garcia and JJ and types in the password.

Garcia and JJ lean in behind him. "Do you know what this means?"

"What?" JJ says.

"We will find out if Princess Dania death was really an accident." I bit back my laugh.

"I think that is exactly the thing that go you on their list." JJ says. Nathan finish typing in the password and walk back to the door. I start to spin in my seat. Garcia and JJ start to talk about the work.

"21 and 22 are here with us...... in the room."

"What if it's one of them?" Garcia whispers. We all look at the guards. I think we all shivered. Garcia starts to type stuff into her computer while JJ watches. I finally get bored of spinning around.

"I am getting something to drink." I say as I walk out of the room. I walk into the break room and grab a water from the fridge. I walk back slowly not wanting to go back into the room. I grab one of my books from my bag. I start to read and end up falling asleep.

"Amber wake up." I jump up to JJ shaking my arm.

"What happen? Did you get the person?" JJ nods her head.

"It was Bruno." I nod my head. "Come on. We are going home." I stood up and saw Garcia typing really fast. She starts to look around for a pen.

"Sleep well sweet prince." I laugh with JJ.

"Good bye Garcia." She look down.

"Bye princess good night." I follow JJ out of Garcia's office. She walks to her office and grab her stuff.

"Let's go." She puts her arm around my neck. We walk to the elevator.

"Bye Anderson." He turns around and waves.

"I think you know everyone better then me." I laugh as we get into the elevator.

"What no CIA escort?" She smiles.

"Thank god." She follows me out of the elevator and to her car.

"Goodnight." I fell asleep. She smiles.


Hey sorry that I haven't been writing.  Hope you like it. I was going to post this yesterday but I was busy.

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