Chapter 11

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I was sitting with my sister JJ in her office. She was telling what happen since we last saw each other. She told me about Reid taking her to the Redskins game, and the other team members. "So how is school?" Thank the gods there was a knock on the door."Come in" JJ said. A tall man with black hair and had a suit on. "Hello sir." He look at me.

"I see that Amber is here. Did you like the plane?"

"Yes sir." I said as I stood up and walk to him. I stuck out my hand tensely and shook his. He smile at me.

"Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I am Agent Hotchner but you may call me Hotch. You don't have to call me sir."

"Yes sir. Sorry Hotch." He laugh nicely at me not like the girls did at school.

"Have you meet the team?"

"No sir. Sorry Hotch. It will take me awhile for that." He smile again.

"JJ would you like to round up the team in the conference room."

"Yes sir." She smile than walk out leaving me in her office with Hotch. He nodded me to follow him as he walk out. I follow him into a large room with a round table. "Would you like to some water?"

"Yes sir." He smile at me as he walk out. I sat down in one of those chairs that spins around.

"Was it just me or was Hotch smiling?" A lady's voice said. I heard someone laugh.

"Did Haley call him?" A man said. I heard the door open. I spun around on the chair to see who walk in. Two men walk into the room with a lady. One of the men was scrawny with messy brown hair. He didn't look more than 25 if that. The other man was African American. He seem tough. The lady was not as tall as the men. She had blond hair in a lot of tiny ponytails. She had pink glasses. They stop as soon as they saw me. I smile at them.

"Hello sweet heart are you lost?" The lady said. I shook my head. They look at me weird.

"Guys I think that this is JJ's sister Amber. " The man with brown hair said.Just than Elle and Hotch walk in.

"Here you go Amber. " He handed me a bottle of water. I smiled.

"Thank you Sir. I mean Hotch." He just chuckle at me. The people in the room had to pick up their jaws from the floor. He look at them.

"Guys can you take your seats please." They all walk to their seats. Hotch stay standing up. I realized that I was in Hotch's spot. I stood up. He smile again. "Amber you can sit down. I am going to stay standing anyway." I nodded. I grab the water and took a drink. JJ walk in.

"Hi guys." She walk to the front of the room. "Jason is going to come in a little bit."

"Okay guys. You know that this is Amber's sister. That is Penelope Garcia. "He point to the lady with ponytails. "She is our tech person. That is Derek Morgan. "He point to the African American." He is one of the BAU Agent. That is Doctor Spencer Reid." He point to the scrawny man. " He is also one of the BAU Agent." Just than a man with greyish brown hair walk. He walk to an empty seat.

"Hello I am Jason Gideon. I supervise the BAU team. It's nice to meet you." He smile at me. I nodded my head politely.

"You know Elle and I hope you know JJ." Hotch said joking. I laugh. He smiled at me.

"Hotch are you feeling okay?" Morgan ask. Hotch just rolled his eyes while the team laugh.

"You guys are dismissed." Hotch said. He walk over to me and shook my hand. "It was nice meeting you."

"You to si..... Hotch." I look down embarrass. He smile as he walk out.  Elle stood up.

"Bye kid. I will talk to you later." I nodded. She walk out with Gideon following her.

"Bye Amber." Garcia stood up as soon as Hotch and Gideon were out of sight. She walk over to me and gave me a bear hug.

"Penelope I can't breathe." She let go of me.

"Sorry Hun." I smile at her and sat down. I laugh. "So JJ what are you going to do with JJ for school and when you are working." I look at JJ because I didn't even think of that.

"Well I guess that she is going to go to school." I look at JJ shock. " and I don't know about when we are on cases."

"She can hang with me." Garcia said with a smile. I was still staring at JJ. She knew that I hate meeting new people with out her or someone I trust. She look back at me.

"Um can I get a tutor instead. " She frown.


"JJ you know why." She shook her head like she didn't understand. I look around the room. Morgan and Garcia were looking at me weirdly. Reid was just looking at the table like he knew something was going to happen.

"Never mind." I look down. 'I can't believe she acted like that. She knows that I get bullied at school.' I kept my head down while Morgan started up a conversation. Which I wasn't in.

"Amber...... Amber." I look up at Garcia trying to get my attention.

"Sorry. " I look around the room and saw that Morgan and Reid left.

"It's okay princess." I look at her weirdly. "I give everyone nicknames." I nodded my head.

"Amber do you want to go home?" I nodded my head.

"Goodnight Garcia."

"Goodnight Cupcake." She said as I left.



Urgg School starts tomorrow. My friends are really happy and then there is me those like no school.

Did you guys notice my awesome cover? My bestie made it for me. I suck at that kind of stuff.

Hope you like the story. It took me two days to write it and yah.  Bye. 

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