Chapter 2

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"Feels like we're on the edge right now

I wish that I could say I'm proud

I'm sorry that I let you down." My phone rang out ruining my sleep. Groaning, I reach out to search for my phone without opening my eyes. All I could find was my hair. Frowning, I open my eyes to see that my phone was not even two inches from my hand. Letting out a small scream, I hit the end button.

Mornings are definitely not my favorite time of the day. I slowly pulled the covers off of my body and shrugged myself up while stretching. Yawning, I shuffled out of my room and towards the kitchen. "Hey, honey." My dad says as I appear. In the center of the kitchen, my dad sat at the table. My mom was to his right, eating her food.

"Morning honey." She said sweetly. She was the morning person in the house. Dad and I never wanted to get up before noon.

"Good morning," I said as I grab the plate that was left out for me. 'Bacon and eggs are my kind of breakfast.' I thought to myself. Throwing myself into the chair by dad, I started to wolf down my food while my mom gave me a disgusted look. I smile at her while I had food in my mouth which earned a laugh from my dad.

"I think I have another child." She says as she looks at my dad who turned to his food and started shoving food in his mouth. I laugh at her remark as I finished my food. "Laugh all you want because you know it is true. You better go get ready for school. Your dad is taking you today." I rolled my eyes as I headed back to my room to get ready.

-- time skip--

My favorite part of the day was sitting in the car with my dad listening to random rock music. It was like the peace before the storm. The peace before I had to go to High School. I know what you are thinking a 12-year-old going to High School. I skipped a couple of grades. I was supposed to be in seventh grade but instead, I am a Sophomore with advanced classes. My teachers believe that I might be able to finish high school next year.

If only I was like the kids my own age. They are into makeup, clothes or sports while I am into books, chess, and fandoms. If only I was like my sister JJ who was the popular girl in school. She was the soccer captain. Me, I was the section leader in my band.

"Am, Amber. Hello. Earth to Amber." I hear as I see a hand go in front of my face. Jumping, I looked at my dad who was smiling at me. "Thinking again?" I nod my head. "Always thinking. Man, I wish I had your brain." He said teasing me. I smile and tried to laugh. 'No you don't.' I thought as my personal hell showed up. My dad looked at the school. "Well, honey have a good day." I smile as he stops the car. I slowly get out of the car and strolled up the sidewalk. 

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