Chapter 10

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Amber was quiet all the way to the plane. I stop the car at our private jet. I could tell that she was amazed. 'Who wouldn't?' I thought. I got out with her following me into the jet. She look around for a second. Then went to the couch. Amber drop her stuff and laid down on the couch. She grab a pillow and put it under her head while I sat down in my normal spot. In a few minutes, Amber was asleep.

I took out my phone and messaged JJ.

'I got her. We are on the plane right now heading out.' I put my phone on the table and sat back. I was looking at Amber when my phone start to ring. Amber turn onto her right side like she was trying to get away from the noise. but she wince in her sleep. She turn back on her left side.  I grab my phone.

'Okay. How is she?'

'She is asleep.I think she I hurt. She keeps favoring her right side.'

'Okay. I will figure it out when she gets here. She will tell me anything. Is she talking to you?'

'Not really.'

'Okay. She is not stuck up. She is just really shy.'

'Okay' I laid my phone back on the table. I stood up and walk up the to front of the jet.

"Can you wake me up thirty minutes before we land?" The pilot nodded his head. "Thank you."

-Two hours and thirty minutes later-

I woke up to someone screaming. I jump up and grab my gun. I saw that it was Amber screaming in her sleep. I set down my gun and ran to her. "Amber wake up. Sweetheart." Her eyes filled with fear. "It's okay." I grab her and pull her into a hug. She wince when I touch her right side. She start to cry as she let me put her on my lap. I start to rock back and forth. She was crying into my shoulder. 'How could anyone do this to a innocent girl' I thought. She stay awake, but didn't move away from me.

When we landed, I grab Amber's stuff and walk with Amber's hand in my hand. She seem like she trust me now. She seem tired 'The nightmares must be keeping her up.' I thought as we walk down the jet's stairs. Then into the BAU building. We walk to the elevator and got in. I pushed the button to my team's floor.

When we walk out, people look at Amber with sadness. I pulled Amber closer and walk through the doors where my team was. I walk straight pass ,Reid and Morgan who were talking, to JJ's office. I knock on her door. "Come in" I open the door to see JJ at her desk looking at paper work. She look up and smile when she saw Amber.

"Amber." JJ stood up while Amber ran to her. JJ hugs her. "Amber, I have missed you so much."

"I am going to go catch up on my paperwork."

"Thank you Elle."

"Yup, anytime." I said as I walk out.


Hallo people of Earth. Hope thy earthlings like thy story.

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