Chapter 4

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Looking at my phone, I frowned. 'That's weird.' It's was 4:15 and neither my mom or my dad was here. I shook my head. 'Must be running late.' I open my phone to my text messages. Clicking on my dad's contact, I texted him that I was just going to walk home. After about two minutes of waiting for a reply which didn't come, I started to walk toward my house.

As soon as I reached my block, I knew something was wrong. Both of my parent's cars were in the driveway and the door was wide open. Running towards my house, I looked around to see if my dad just forgot to close the door. Even before I made it to the steps, the smell of blood hit me. Frowning, I walk softly into my house.

"Mom." I start to walk toward the kitchen. "Dad." Turning into the kitchen, I see my mom laying in a pool of blood. "MOM?" I scream as I run straight towards her. Falling down, I grab her hand. "Mom. Wake up." I scream. I look at her stomach to see that she was stabbed a twenty times. I touch her neck to see if she had a pulse. Silently saying please, I tried to find a pulse which never came. I looked at her face, she looked a peace. "I am sorry."

"Amber?" I looked around. I stood up slowly. "Amber? Is that you?" I walk toward the sound. As turned the corner, I saw my dad laying on the floor in the living room. He also had stab wounds all over his body.

"Dad," I say as I ran towards him. "What happened?" I say as I sit down next to him. "Wait don't talk. Save your breath. Cops. I need to call the cops. Dad. They will help you." I start rushing out words. I could feel the tears leaving my eyes. I turn to take off my bag.

"Amber stop." He weakly grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.I grabbed his hand and squeezed. I look at him. I could tell he was not going to make it. "Amber I love you. Don't forget that. Tell your sister that I love her too." He started to cry." Be brave my child. I love you baby girl." He said as his arm started to go limp.

"No! Dad! Don't go!!" I screamed at him. I grab his arms and put my head on his chest. I heard nothing except my sobbing. I lifted my head and shook off my bag. Pulling out my phone, I dialed 911.

"911. How may I help you?"

"My parents. They are.. they are.. are..."

"Honey. What happened?" I put my head back on my dad's chest ignoring the stab wounds that still were slightly bleeding. I didn't care that my hair would be cover in blood. I just want my dad and mom back.

"My parents are dead." I manage to whisper. 

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