Chapter 21

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"Lately Elle have been acting weird. She went undercover but panicked and the team couldn't bring him to the court. Then she yell at Hotch. Then she got attack and killed him." Morgan was telling me. I nod my head. "Something is up." I nod again.

"Hey guys we have a case." JJ says as she walks past Morgan and I. We get up from our seats and follow her to the conference room. The others were there. Morgan sits in his chair as I go and sit on the couch.

"Nicholas Faye of Ozona, Texas, was beaten to death roughly 13 hours ago." JJ says as she puts a picture of the boy on the screen. The boy was laying down and had blood on his head. "Blunt force trauma to the head.  He's the second young boy in Ozona to die the same death in the last two months. Local hunter found his body in the woods. The first victim's name, Roddie Davis."

"Are these boys connected somehow?"

"Ozona's population's roughly 2,500. Everyone has some kind of connection."

"Well, if they weren't linked before, they most certainly are now." Morgan said.

"Both murdered by the same offender." Reid stated.

"Who's hunting children?" Gideon ask. I look down at the carpet shaking my head.

"Gideon you and the rest of the team go to Texas along with Amber." We all nod our heads.

-time skip-

"You guys hear Elle was cleared?" Reid ask as he walk to his seat on the plane by Morgan. The team was looking at the case. I was sitting by JJ.

"Self-Defense." Morgan said unsure.

"So it was a good shoot." Reid stated in Elle defense.

"She hit what she was aiming for." JJ said.

"That's not what I meant." Reid said.

"I know." JJ said.

"If they cleared her, how come she's not here with us?" Morgan ask. "Or Hotch?"

"Focus on the case." Gideon scowled the team. I put my head down slightly laughing.

"Ozona police and autopsy report for Nicholas Faye and Robbie Davis." JJ hands out the autopsy report to the team.

"Well, the Bludgeoning could suggest frustration or rage." Morgan stated.

"With no apparent sexual motivation. That's rare when the victims are this young." Reid question.

"This unsub seems to be taking pleasure from the kill itself. " Gideon said.

"So if it's not sexual, what's the significance of targeting young males?" Morgan ask.

"Most serial killers prey upon specific types to carry out their fantasies of revenge." I state.

"Bundy killed women that looked like an ex-girlfriend who jilted him." Reid continues for me. JJ phone starts to ring. "Dahmer claimed that schoolyard harassment fed into his fury."

"Ok, so then maybe these kids represent someone who victimized the offender." Morgan continues.

"Like a young male from his past." I said. Reid smiles at me. "Maybe a bully, an older brother, someone who abused him."

"No, that's unlikely." JJ says. "They just found another body. 11 year old girl."

"There goes the profile." I say.

"Why would the victimology just suddenly change?" Reid asks.

"Maybe the girl wasn't the target. Maybe she just got in the way." Morgan says.

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