Chapter 12

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As soon as JJ brought up school, Amber look scare.

"Can't I get a tutor?" JJ frown at the question.

"Why?" Amber started to look uncomfortable.

"Never mind." She look down. I knew she wanted the attention off of her.

"JJ so when are we going on a case?" She shrugged and started to talk. Something was up.


I woke up to someone talking. I shrunk into the covers forgetting where I was. I shook my head when it came back to me. I pulled the covers off and walk to the door. I pulled on my supernatural hoodie. I walk downstairs to see JJ sitting on the couch watching TV. I smiled as I walk to the living room. I sat down beside her.

"Hey someone woke up early." I laugh. She smile at me. "There are pancakes in the kitchen." I jump up and ran into the kitchen. I grab a plate and stack pancakes on it. I came back into the living room. "Someone is hungry."

"Well I didn't eat dinner last night." I said with food stuff in my face. She shook her head and turn back to the TV. The news was on. It was talking about school. After I got done eating, I put my plate in the sick. I walk back and stood beside JJ."JJ can I get a tutor instead of school please?"

"Why?" She turn towards me.

"Well I don't like how people are mean to me." She shook her head. "And I am ahead above everyone."

"Well those people were at the old high school." I shook my head." and you will be in advance classes."

"No they are everywhere."

"Amber please can you at least try. They won't be mean I promise."

"JJ I am eleven year old almost twelve. I am in high school. They will always be mean. That what people are."

"Amber you are going to school tomorrow." I look her in the eye.

"JJ do you know what they did to me at my old school? NO because I didn't tell anyone. After school, I walk past the football field. Some of the football team and the preps grab me and put me in the school's green house. They started to punch me and kick me saying that I was ugly and that mean stuff.They set a fire inside and lock it up so I couldn't get out. They were out there the whole time laughing at me with a camera. I almost die if it weren't one of the teachers. When I got out,one of the preps ran up to us saying that she saw the fire and came to see if someone was in it. As the teacher walk away, she told me that if I told anyone what happened I will get hurt more." I start to cry.

"Amber I am sorry but you have to."

"You don't understand. I can't go through the bullying again. They hurt me so bad."

"Oh Hun." I turn around to see Morgan and Garcia standing in the hallway. I look at JJ again.

"Don't make me."

"But." That was all I needed. I ran past Morgan and Garcia. I ran down the street barefoot.

"Amber come back here." I heard Morgan yell. I kept running. I wanted to run away from the images that haunt me. Before I knew it, I was out of the neighborhood. I stop running. I walk past a park. I saw a huge tree. I smile as I wipe the tears away from my face. I walk to the tree and climb up it. I was a half way up when I found a nice spot to lay in. I close my eyes when I got comfortable.  


"Hey is it okay if Garcia  and I come over?" I asked JJ.

"Sure but be quiet and use the key that Garcia has because Amber is still sleeping. Oh do you guys want some pancakes?"


"Okay see you soon." She said as she hung up. I smile.

"Baby girl let's go." I stop by Garcia's place to see if she wanted to go to JJ's with me. Garcia and I walk to my truck and drove to JJ's. I park in front of her house. "Garcia be quiet because Amber is still sleeping." She nodded her head as we walk up the step into her house. We walk into the house quietly.

"JJ do you know what they did to me at my old school? NO because I didn't tell anyone. After school, I walk past the football field. Some to the football team and the preps grab me and put me in the school's green house. They started to punch me and kick me saying that I was ugly and that mean stuff. They set a fire and lock it up so I couldn't get out. They were out there laughing at me with a camera. I almost die if it weren't for one of the teachers. When I got out, one of the preps ran up to us saying that she saw the fire and came to see if someone was in it. As the teacher walk away, she told me if I told anyone what happened I would get hurt more."

"Amber I am sorry but you have to."

"You don't understand I can't go through the bullying again. They hurt me so bad." Amber cried. She was standing with her back to us while JJ was sitting on the couch.

"Oh Hun." Garcia finally said something. Amber turn around to see us. She was pretty shook up. She was crying. She turn around to JJ.

"Don't make me."

"But" She finally had enough and ran past Garcia and I. I ran out of the house to see Amber was halfway down the street.

"Amber come back here." I yell but she kept going. I look at Garcia. She nodded and I took off running after Amber. I look around for her because she disappear from my sight. I kept running until I was got out of the neighborhood. 'Where would I go if I was running?' I thought as I walk. After a bit there was a park to my right. I smiled even knowing Amber for a little while, that she would have came here. I walk around the park for a bit looking for her. I shook my head and sat down on a park bench. "Little princess where would you be?" My phone started to ring.


"Morgan do you have Amber yet." JJ said.

"No. I am at the park looking for her."

"Okay. She loves nature. She goes there when she get mad or upset."

"Okay. I have to go." I hung up. I saw a footprint in the dirt. I stood up and follow them to a large tree. I look up and saw Amber sitting on one of the tree's branches. She look like she was sleeping. "Amber." I yell. She stir but didn't wake up. "Amber" I yell  louder. She open her eyes and look down at me.

"Morgan please go away." She said. Amber look like that she had been crying.

"No come down." She shook her head. "Fine then I am climbing up." I said as I start to climb up the tree. She start to climb up higher. "Amber I just want to talk." I was almost up to her.

"Morgan I don't want to talk."

She was to the top when her foot slip. She grab onto a branch and hung on. "Morgan help me." I climb up faster. She was about to fall when I grab her around the waist. She clung onto me. She was shaking.

"Let's climb down okay?" She nodded but didn't let go of me. "Climb onto my back." She climb on. I start to climb down. When we got down, she jump from my back and walk to a bench.

"I am sorry Morgan." She said as she sat down.

"For what?" I ask she look up at me.



Sorry for the cliffhanger. Well not that much. What is Amber sorry for? Hope you like it.

Peace out earthlings

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