Chapter 18 part one

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{A day earlier}

"Morgan I hope your friend's resort better be as nice as you say it is." I roll my eyes. Elle and Morgan were talking about how they are going to spend their vacation.

"Hey, I never said it was his. I said that he was the manger. But trust me when I tell you it is off the hook. Hot sunny days, cool breezes at night, never-ending tropical drinks with the little umbrellas, and nothing but young, beautiful adults looking to make vacation memories."

"Male and female, right?" Elle ask. I shook my head. I follow them to Elle's and Morgan's desk. I had nothing else to do.

"Elle, 2 weeks of pure heaven."

"I can't imagine what 2 weeks away from this place is going to feel like."

"Well, you better thank your man upstairs for making to the whole team, otherwise you know they'd find a reason to bring us back up in here."

"Why? They got other teams."

"Okay you can go on and believe that but I am not going to answer my phone." Morgan said.

"What if I txt you?" I ask him.

"Tough luck."

"Okay. I wont want to talk to you any was." He just laugh. I saw Reid walk into the bull pen.

Morgan must have saw him to because he said," Oh there he is. Pretty boy. Last chance. I can get my man to swing you a hotel room for practically nothing. Even you might get a little loving out there."

"Thanks anyway."

"Come on, Reid. live a little, huh?"

"I have to go. I'm going home. Have a good one, guys."

"Bye." Elle and I both say. Morgan just looks at us weirdly.

"He look ok to you?"

"He looks the way I would if I was going to spend 2 weeks with my family." Elle says.

"Hey, don't knock family. I'm going to get nothing but for the next 336 hours." Hotch said as he walk down the stairs.

"Good for you." Morgan says.

"Haley's go a list of chores a mile long and I can't wait." I laugh. " The biggest decision I gotta make is what I'm going to do first."

"I bet you she has a thought or two about that as well." Elle said.

"Bring it on." Hotch said as he laugh. Gideon walk past us to the door.

"I'll be lost in a cabin in the woods for the next 2 weeks. Do not call me for anything. Have a great time. You all deserve a break. Seriously, don't call." He said as he walk out.

"Bye Gideon." I said. I stood up and gave Hotch a hug. "Have fun." Morgan and Elle grab their stuff and walk out. "Bye guys." I stood up and skip up to Garcia's lair. She was play on a video game. After a while, JJ came in.

"Why aren't you going on your vacation?"

"I don't get the same vacation time as the rest of the team. Gotta make sure there's plenty of work for them when they get back. What are you doing?" JJ asks.

"I'm in Camelot.


"Yeah. It's an online world. See? I'm just outside the magical city of Camelot. Adventuring with the incredible Sir Kneighf."

"Oh, the Incredible Sir Kneighf."

"JJ, this guys is amazing."

"Please tell me you don't have a crush on a fictional character."

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