Chapter 1

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   Glaring at my drawing, I sighed and slouched back into my chair. I slowly looked up towards my clock, realizing that it was three in the morning. 'I have been at this drawing for more than six hours. Wow, she better love it.' I laugh to myself. Smiling, I look back down at my drawing which was of my sister and I. We had our arms around each other giggling at nothing. I was using a picture that was taken on my birthday a couple of years ago as a reference. My sister was supposed to come home in a couple of weeks for my twelfth birthday. The drawing is a welcome home gift because she hasn't came back home for more than a year.

    I slowly raised myself from my desk and stretch. Shutting off my lamp, I shuffled to my bed and pulled my hair tie out. I can not sleep with my hair in a pony. It hurts my neck. Jumping into the bed, I quickly snuggle into the covers. With a smile on my face, all I could think about was my sister coming home. Her name is Jennifer Jareau. 


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