•|Chapter 5|•

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I laughed and shook my head laying my body onto the quilt. Mark did the same and peered at me. I pointed up to the sky and his eyes followed my finger. Just as his eyes met with the sky they widened in shock.

"How did I not notice..?"

"Some people don't even take the time-or don't have the time- to just look up at the stars. And most of the people who live here take it for granted, but it's really a beautiful thing."

Mark and I stared up at the stars. We sat in silence just watching for what seemed like forever, but only turned out to be 10 minutes. The stars twinkled brightly and an airplane or two passed by before a engine shook me from my trance.

"(Y/n)? Who's that?" Mark whispered

I stayed in my laying position and lifted my head to peek down at the driveway.

"WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?" He shouted

It was Spencer.

I frantically jumped up and tried to yell at him telling him it wasn't what he thought it was. His yelling overlapped my voice.

"I FUCKING KNEW IT, YOU WHORE. AFTER 2 YEARS AND I GET THIS BULLSHIT!?" He screamed at the roof from his car.


"YOU KNOW WHAT? SAVE IT FOR YOUR BOYFRIEND. I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT. WE'RE DONE." He yelled and flung himself back into his car, burning the rubber off his tires as he peeled out of my driveway.

My feelings flooded me and I collapsed onto the rooftop in tears.

Mark caught me before I hit the roof too hard and he held me in his arms.

"I'm sorry." He kept repeating, over and over again into my ear as I wrapped myself into his embrace and sobbed.

"It's mm-my fault." I hiccuped

"No, no I should've said something, I -I." He stuttered

I lifted my face to meet his.

"There is no one to blame but myself. I shouldn't of even -" the words felt wrong immediately after they slipped off my tongue.

His gaze saddened as he put together what I was going to say. He released his grasp on me and stood up.

"No! I didn't mean it like that! Please- please don't leave me." I gasped, feeling my life being drained from me in a matter of seconds. Why did it hurt worse when I hurt him?

He stopped suddenly, still facing away from me.

"I don't regret a single thing that happened today I swear." I whispered

We sat that way in silence for a full five minutes before he turned back around to face me.

"For some reason, it's hurting me more to see you go than it is to see him." I whimpered

He walked up to the blanket and sat. I peered up at him through watery eyes as he motioned for me to come sit next to him. My body felt limp as I pulled myself up and walked to the quilt. Only when I sat next to him I noticed that I was shaking uncontrollably. He pulled me into his embrace.

"How about we don't talk about what's got you down? Let's talk about something else." He smirked, mimicking the exact words I had said to him earlier.

I couldn't help but giggle through the tears as I nodded my head into his chest.

He paused for a second and looked at the empty street. "You know, you're better at thinking of random topics than me." He chuckled

I dug through my head thinking of a topic that would keep my mind off tonight's problems.

"What's your favorite book?" I asked curiously.

"I don't really have the time to read all that much. I like reading it's just that-"

"I get it." I interrupted.

"What's your favorite T.V show?" I questioned

"Well recently it's been Bill Nye, since it came out in Netflix." He chuckled


"How about you?" He asked

"Um. I'm a fan of (your favorite tv show)." I said quietly

"Never seen it."

"You're missing out."

We sat silently, his hand moving in small circles on my lower back. I shivered at his touch and felt myself getting sleepier in his warm embrace. "Thank you." I whispered before feeling myself fall into a peaceful sleep.

I don't know when he left or how late we were sitting on that roof, but I woke up the next morning snuggled under my bed sheets. My quilt was neatly folded and laid in the same spot on my bed. The screen was returned to its place and the window was shut and locked. I sat up straight and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

Today was the day Mark moved in. I jumped out of my bed and checked the time. It was about 9:30 am. Excitedly I pulled off my pajamas and instead threw on a tie dye t-shirt and some comfortable shorts. I quickly ate a bowl of cereal and then ran out onto my driveway bare-footed. He already had a U-haul parked in front of his house, most likely moving in everything from his previous home. I sprinted down the street, feeling the warm pavement under my bare feet. There were a few mover guys helping him grab the big things like his couch and bed. I spotted him coming back out of the house and he smiled at me kindly.

"Can I help?" I asked

"Sure." He answered putting a closed box into my hands. "That's for the kitchen."

I nodded and made my way to the front door, pulling it open with my foot and stepping inside. I jogged up the stairs and placed the box on the kitchen counter.
It was a repeated process of moving boxes from the truck and into the house for about an hour. Once we finally got all of his things inside he thanked the movers and they drove off.

"Moving sucks." He breathed

"Couldn't agree more."

We stood taking in each other's presences and scanning the house packed with boxes.

"Welp. I should probably go, didn't mean to annoyingly push myself in your house." I laughed and made my way to the door.

"No. Stay." He said reaching out for my shoulder and spinning me around to face him. "Please. I don't want to do all this unpacking by myself." He chuckled

"Oh ok, yeah sure!" I said feebly and moved into his kitchen to start unpacking.

After I had placed all of his plates and glasses into separate cabinets I leaned my back against the wall and slowly moved down, dropping onto my butt. He walked over and sat next to me.

"I'm sorry about the whole emotional break-down yesterday." I breathed

"Don't worry about it." 

I peered up at his face which was back against the wall. He peeked at me from the corner of his eye and smiled.

"I lost my motivation." He stated

"That's because we're doing this without music!" I said, jumping up and spinning around to face him.

He groaned and pushed himself up off the floor.

"You got a speaker?" I asked

"Yeah it's in one of these boxes somewhere." He said motioning to the many boxes surrounding us.

"Right." I breathed. "Well there's motivation for ya." I mumbled.

He chuckled and we tore through the boxes looking for his speaker while also putting things in their designated spaces.

"Ah! Found it!"

I jumped up and clapped. "Awesome!"

We set it up and played a remix of many different songs. I cranked the volume and continued unpacking box after box.

Until I Met You (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now