•|Chapter 9|•

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Marks P.O.V (gosh I know, it's about time. I'm sorry!)

"Yeah, yeah. Work. Whatever. Leave me all by myself then." I sassed

"Mark." She half-sighed half-giggled.

"Whatever. Go then. Leave. Exercise. See if I care." I joked

"I will." She replied

"Bring it here first." I said and waited for her presence to fill my arms.

She walked up and wrapped her arms around my neck. The top of her head reached my chin. I stood there and breathed her in. Closing my eyes and savoring the moment. Her body heat radiated off her body and clung to me, along with her scent.

"Oh and I'm gonna need your number too. Because we're friends." I said smiling down to her.

She pulled away and gave me her number after we over-dramatically reached our arms out for each other, acting like something/someone was tearing us apart. I stood in silence as she laughed and walked out of my door pulling it shut behind her. Was she wearing shoes? I smiled to myself and shook my head. What was I supposed to do now? I decided that I could record backup videos in case I ever needed some.

After spending the whole day with my eyes glued to my monitor I got up and stretched out my legs. I threw on some pants and grabbed my keys, heading out the door to grab some food.

"What's Runza?" I asked myself as I peered under my review mirror at the fast food restaurant.

"Must only be in the Midwest."

I ended up ordering a regular Runza because I still didn't know for sure what they were. When I grabbed my bag from the worker at the window and opened up the wrapper I was overwhelmed with confused feelings. It looked like a burrito? But it was bread? I bit into it and instantly approved of the meat and cheese inside the bread.

I stopped at a red light and pulled out my phone.

M: -You done yet? Miss you.- I typed

Y: -Clingy aren't ya?- She responded and I smiled with a mouthful of food.

The light turned green and I placed my phone back in the cup holder. It was too hard to do two things at once, let alone three. I finally pulled into the grocery store parking lot and grabbed my phone once more.

M: -nope not at all.-

She didn't respond so I hopped out of the car and walked into the grocery store. I spent a decent amount of time piling necessities into my cart and when I finished I went home.

Y: -gonna call a rain check on hanging out today.-

I looked at her text and placed it back on my nightstand. It had been six days since the last time I saw her. But she was busy, I was busy, I understood. Although, not a day went past where she wasn't in my thoughts. I wanted to stop by her house and check up on her to see if she was doing okay. To make sure her eyes still glistened when she smiled and that her voice was still the same voice that echoed throughout my daydreams. I almost walked right out my front door right that moment, but I respected the rain check and went back into my recording studio. I was still very ahead on video-making, but it didn't hurt me to make more, so that's what I did.

It was nearing about 8:00 pm when I gave up and decided to text (y/n).

M: -you home?-

She replied rather quickly.

Y: -yep.-

M: -can I cancel your rain check?-

Y: -I don't think that's how it works.-

M: -why are you avoiding me?-

Y: -... I'm not.-

M: -then I'm coming over.-

Y: -ookay.-

I shoved my phone in my pocket and darted out of the house. Neglecting my unlocked door. In Omaha it wasn't like L.A. Break-ins were alot less common. Plus I was right down the street. I made it to her front door and knocked politely. The door opened about 30 seconds later, revealing a slightly tired looking (m/n).


"I-uh yes. I'm looking for (y/n)?"

"Come on in. She's downstairs."

I smiled and thanked her, taking the stairs two at a time. When I scanned the basement I found her curled up in a blanket, tears streaming down her face, and her hand stuffed in a bowl of popcorn. She looked at me and gave me a weak smile, then returned her gaze back to the movie. I walked over and nonchalantly slipped off my shoes pulling myself under the blanket next to her. She hugged me tight and sniffled into my shoulder.

"So you were too busy doing this, to come see me?" I whispered

"It's not like that.."

"Then what's up?"

"Didn't want to bother you with my over emotional self." She said and gestured her hands to her lower abdomen.

"Couldn't be any worse than what we went through in those two days." I replied realizing she was talking about feminine issues.

She chuckled slightly. "I guess not."

"You could've called me I would've brought you food, or you know, came over and cuddled."

"Wow. Goals." She said looking up at me longingly and smiled.

I grabbed the remote and flicked the T.V. off.

"C'mon lets go do something." I suggested eagerly pulling her hand.

"Ok, ok, but let me get ready." She replied and slowly rose from her spot.

"I'll wait."

After about 20 minutes she playfully strutted down the stairs in light-wash ripped skinny's that were folded at her ankles. Her shirt was simple, a loose short sleeved black crop top that hung right above her belly button. Her hair was pulled into a casual high-pony, but she made it look like it was the opposite of casual. Loose strands of her hair hung around her ears, bouncing lightly when she stepped down the stairs. She stood in front of me and smiled, her eyes still twinkling like the last time I saw her.

"Wow. You make me feel underdressed."


I linked my arm with hers and we strutted toward the front door. Laughter and the sound of her black heels clicking on the floor filled the air.

"I'm driving?" She asked pulling her keys from her small clutch.

"Yeah, let me just go lock my door real quick." I replied, taking off in the direction of my house.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her hop in the front seat of her CRV. I hurried and locked my door twisting the knob to make sure. When I turned back around I saw her waiting at the end of my driveway. I smiled and walked over to the passenger side and tried to pull open the door. She smirked and drove forward slightly, putting the handle just out of my reach.


She laughed and stopped, unlocking the car door so I could jump in.

"Where to?" She asked, her hands pressed against the leather steering wheel.

"You're the small town expert here." I said slyly. "But I was kinda feeling some drinks?"

"You do know I'm under aged?"

"Have you drank before?"

She smirked and nodded her head.

"Well then what's the problem? I'll just have to pay for your alcohol."

"Wow Mark. I expected better from you." She laughed putting the car in gear and taking off.

Until I Met You (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now