•|Chapter 17|•

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Mark's P.O.V

"You're straining your voice. Softer." My voice teacher instructed.

I nodded and tried again, calming my voice and putting less pressure on my words.

"Great. Let's try a song."

"Ok." I agreed

"Hm. Here we go. We have some higher notes, which you don't have to do if you don't want to, since we're practicing not straining your vocal chords. I'm going to play the song first, so you can get a feel for the words and the way he uses his voice."

I nodded and waited silently as he searched through his computer. After about a minute he started playing the song, saying it was called Sound of Your Heart by Shawn Hook. I had never heard of him or this song until now. I was intently listening in on his vocals and words. The melodies and words in his song seeped into my head. My hands started to tremble, so I sat on them, putting them out of my mind. The words connected with me, throwing me off at how much they related to my current situation.

♪You showed me heaven, you rang up bells
I played with matches, it hurt like hell
I sleep and wake, you're all I see
I can't escape you, can't set you free
I miss your full moon rising, catching a breath in silence
Can't stop this bleeding, can't stop believing
I'm missing the sound of your heart beating
Baby I'm in love with you
I'm missing the sound of your heart beating
Baby you were mine to lose♪

I felt my throat tighten. It felt like I was being squeezed, the air draining out of me. I sucked in a deep breath. My instructor immediately paused the song.

"Mark? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." My voice came out as a weak croak.

"We can stop if this is bothering you." He suggested, concern covering his face.

"I just need a break for a second, I'm gonna use the bathroom really quick."

"It's down the hall. To the right." He motioned down the hallway.

"Thank you." I slowly rose from my chair and stumbled into the bathroom, gripping both sides of the sink and breathing heavily.

What the hell is wrong with me? I bent over to capture my breath. The words from the song danced in my head, almost like they were taunting me.

♪You were my courage, my sword and shield
Grace under pressure, my wall of steel
I was a stone weighing us down
You were the angel I chained to the ground
I miss the way you undress, I miss your head on my chest♪

Memories flashed through my head of (y/n). Her body pressed against mine, my hands wrapped around her back. The night on the roof, and the time we unpacked. The day at the park, laughing in the sand. I remembered chasing her around the house, and tackling her onto the couch. Pulling her in for our first kiss, the sensation in my body that could never compare to any other girl, so why did I try? I gripped my head and shook it back and forth, trying to shake the memories away. The day she left, the look she gave me as she walked out the door. Mostly hurt, hatred. Why didn't I run after her? Why was I so dumb? I knew I loved her, why did I leave her!?

I sank to the floor holding my trembling hands in front of me. I can't live like this anymore. There was a knock at the door and the sound of my instructor.

"Mark? You okay?"

"Uhm." My breath caught in my throat, tears building in my eyes. "Yeah I'm okay." I squeaked

"You don't sound okay."

He was right. I was nowhere near okay, and I never would be without (y/n). The thought of her name caused the tears that welled in my eyes to fall. I watched as the splattered onto my shirt, leaving small drip marks.

"Mark? I'm coming in."

"No! No. I'm fine, I'll be out in a minute." I didn't want anyone to see me in the state I was in.

I dove back into my thoughts, reminding myself that this was no way to live. I needed to talk to her, to tell her I made a mistake and that I was sorry. I stood up and used my shirt to wipe the remaining tears from my cheeks. I ran my hands through my hair and stood up straighter. My chest rose and fell as I took a deep breath. I reached for the doorknob and turned it slowly, preparing myself for what I was about to do.

"I'm sorry, I have to go. I have something I need to do." I explained to my voice coach.

"Of course." He replied, examining my face.

"Again, I'm sorry, but I have to run." I frantically collected my jacket and phone before dashing out the door.
Your P.O.V

I finally arrived at my apartment, glancing around at the already furnished home.

"Thank you again for helping me." I said to the taxi driver as he pulled my bags up the stairs.

"No problem."

I paid him, making sure to tip for all his  hard work. He placed my suitcases inside the apartment and left, waving as he went. I walked back to the bedroom looking around, amazed at the fully furnished details, a queen bed with a fancy gray headboard, two nightstands, and a dresser. My all time favorite part though was the wall opposite of my bed that was not wall, but glass panes. The view wasn't the greatest, but I wasn't complaining as the sun poured through and skimmed across my skin. A bathroom was connected to the bedroom, fully equipped with a shower, sink and toilet. The mirror above the sink was beautiful, an oval shape surrounded with intricately carved wood that was stained white. To my surprise, the mirror opened up to a medicine cabinet, which was nice.

After inspecting my room I wandered over to the second bedroom which was very small and held a single bed and desk. The single bed had a vintage white headboard that I fell in love with immediately. I loved the detailed woodwork of both the headboard and the desk. Once I had finished looking over that room, ideas of decorations filling my head, I walked back down the hallway and into the kitchen. I had to admit it was small, but it was cute none the less. There were semi-new appliances and a gas stove, which I was a big fan of. The refrigerator purred quietly in the corner of the kitchen, it's shiny silver color matching the stove and microwave.

The last place to explore was the living room before I actually would have to start unpacking. The first thing that caught my eye was the long grey couch that looked more cute than comfortable. A single lounging chair sat to the left of it positioned slightly slanted to face where the TV should be. A glass coffee table was placed in front of the couch pulling the room together, but that's just my opinion. There was a back door that led to the patio on the right of the couch. To the left of the back door sat a fireplace. It stood out- it's old brick contradicting with the clean white walls and modern layout. I smiled to myself, thinking of a nice rug to go under the coffee table and maybe a basket to go by the fireplace... My mind mulled over all the possibilities as I got to work unpacking my suitcases.

*this was a lot of detail, but I really hope you liked it. You guys are the best and I hope you had/are having a great day.*

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