•|Chapter 8|•

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Mark returned about ten minutes later, slowly lowering himself next to me on the couch. He must've thought I was asleep because he gently started messing with my hair, pulling strands of it through his fingers.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what came over me. I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable. Forgive me"

"You're forgiven." I whispered

His hand stopped massaging my scalp.

"But you can keep doing that." -It really seemed to help my headache.

He lightly chuckled and continued to move his fingers around my head.

"Let's ditch this, come sleep in here with me. No funny business I swear." He said motioning to his room.

I nodded and held my arms out to him.

"Your legs work, friend." He snickered

I groaned and kicked my legs over the side of the couch and stood up.

"You really think I'd be that much of a jerk?" He stated, placing an arm under my knees and back, and lifting me up bridal style. He walked back to his room and placed me under his comforter. Of course, he was right. This was probably one hundred times better than the couch. I snuggled myself into his pillow and inhaled his scent. He let out an airy chuckle.

"No funny business like I said, but I can't sleep in pants. Or a shirt for that matter."

"I don't mind. No funny business."

"Of course. Close your eyes then."

I held my hand over my eyes as he pulled off his jeans and shirt. He crawled into bed next to me.

"Goodnight." He mumbled

"Goodnight Mark." I replied

I slowly awoke when I felt hands being rubbed up and down my back. My eyes flickered open and I realized I was plastered against Mark's bare chest. I sucked in a quick breath noticing his sculpted figure. He giggled and placed his chin on top of my head.

"I'm guessing you like what you see, huh darling?"

I felt my cheeks warm at his overly-attractive morning voice. It was too early for this.

"We were up late and it's only 6am. Go back to bed." He whispered.

He continued to massage my back as he pulled me in tighter to his chest. My eyelids felt droopy, as I perfectly fit in his grasp. Almost like a puzzle piece. The constant sound of his beating heart pulled me back into a hazy dream land.

I awoke again this time without Mark's presence. My heart fell when I didn't see him in the room. After about a minute or two I heard him speaking through the wall.

"Guys I have to be quiet.--No reason really!" He said nervously.

Who was he talking to? I rolled out of bed and silently walked over to his office. He had an odd device covering his eyes. It was black and rectangular shaped. He was frantically moving his head to the left and right, almost like he was looking around. His headphones were pulled over his ears and he snapped his head in my direction when I opened the door a tad more. I was sure my cover was blown until he started talking again, saying something about an oculus rift and horror.

Was he playing a game?

"Shit, shit, shit! It's fucking after me! What the hell!" He whisper yelled, his hands making fast gestures on the controller he was holding.

"I think it's gone, whatever it was."

I made the decision that I was going to scare him. I walked into the room quietly and waited patiently for the right opportunity. There was a camera pointed at his face and I bent down to wave into it.

"So the producers- what was that?" He squealed

I took my chance, forcefully grabbed his shoulders, and screamed.

"FUCK!" He shouted and jumped so high he fell out of his chair.

I started laughing so hard, there was a point in time that I couldn't breathe. My ribs ached, but I couldn't stop. The scene played over and over in my head, making me laugh even harder each time. Mark sat in the corner, the device pulled onto the top of his head. His eyes were so wide they looked as if they were about to pop out of their sockets. This just threw me into yet another fit of laughter.

"I ca-n't b-breathe." I said, choking on my own giggles.

"That was rude." He stated

"Admit it, it was funny as hell."

"Not really."

"Oh it will be. Once you get over the initial shock." I sputtered

He angrily stood up and sat back in his seat.

"We're even." I said

"How!?" He shouted, then realizing the little issue we had last night. "Oh right."

"I'm sorry. I'll leave."

"Woah don't leave." He demanded

"Mark. I meant I'm leaving the room. Not your house. Chill."

"Right." His cheeks flushed a light pink and he turned back around to face the camera.

I pulled myself out of the room and walked into the kitchen. Since he just moved in, he had absolutely no food. I sighed and walked to his front door throwing it open and running down the street to my house. My bare-feet making a slight thumping noise on the cement. I don't know what it was with me and not wearing shoes during the summer. I guess if they weren't required, I wasn't wearing them. My heels had already grown a bit thicker for protection, so really it didn't even phase me anymore. I typed in my garage code and dashed inside before it even fully opened.

"Cereal, cereal." I whispered to myself pulling a box of honey-nut Cheerios from the pantry and grabbing our gallon of milk.

Mom had already left for work. Yes, she rented houses, but she was also an assistant manager for an apartment complex. After I successfully grabbed what I needed, I ran out of the garage and closed it. I dashed back to Mark's house and let myself in, making it look like I never left.

"I guess I've recovered enough to do my outro. I hope that was entertaining to watch, because I'm pretty sure my heart stopped!" He chuckled "There will be a new house tour soon so look out for that. Anyways, thank you all so much for watching, and as always I will see you in the next video. Buh bye!" I heard him say from his recording office.

There was no sound other than me chewing my honey-nut Cheerios for about five straight minutes. He seemed to still be in his recording area, and I didn't want to interrupt again. I washed my bowl and set it in the dishwasher, making my way down the hallway.

"I'm sorry." I said with a smile.

"Me too."

"Why are we such emotionally unstable messes?" I laughed

"I have no clue. Come here." He demanded motioning for me to sit with him.

I silently agreed and walked over to his chair. He tugged at my waist, pulling me into his lap.

"What exactly do you do?" I asked

"Um. I-I'm a youtuber." He said nervously

"Not to dig into your personal life or anything-" I giggled before carrying on "like professionally? like get paid and all that jazz?"

"Yeah. All of that jazz."

"That's pretty cool, I guess." I teased

"I guess?" He playfully growled.

"So are you like uploading or something?" I added innocently

He laughed and shook his head. "I'm editing the video."

"Oh right."

He skimmed over a few parts and stopped at the part where I scared him out of his skin. I held a hand over my mouth to stop me from laughing. He repeated it three more times, slowing it down each time. He even added the "deal with it" meme, editing a pair of pixeled shades onto my face. I couldn't help it, and I starting laughing again.

"That's pretty good." I giggled

"I guess it's kinda funny." He said holding back a smile.

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