•|Chapter 19|•

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Mark's P.O.V

I dragged myself out of bed early the next morning, eating breakfast before driving off the the airport. My flight was scheduled for 7:30 and I finished getting through security by 7. I waited around for a bit, grabbing a coffee before boarding my plane to Los Angeles. I uploaded an extra video I had while on the plane and then took a nap for the rest of the way. After we landed, I was shaken awake by a young flight attendant.

"We're here sir."

I nodded in her general direction, shooting Daniel a text before grabbing my stuff and walking off the plane.

D: -I'll be there to pick you up in 15.-

M: -great thanks.-

I didn't know where I was going from here other than the Cyndago household. It hit me that I had no clue where (y/n) was, in the whole bustling city of L.A. I grabbed my luggage from the claim and sat, anxiously waiting until Daniel came to pick me up. About 30 minutes passed until Daniel called saying he was parked out front. I jogged to the front and found him standing next to his car waving in my direction.

"Good to see ya man! It's nice to have you back in town."

"Yeah its nice to be back, I guess." I replied hesitantly

"Sorry I got caught in some mad traffic. You wouldn't believe how bad."

"Ah no worries."

We finally got out of the airport and started heading in the direction of their apartment.

"Don't want to be rude, but you don't look so hot. Are you doing okay?"

"Uh yeah. Just getting over a cold." I lied

"Oh ok."

"How have you guys been out here without me?" I joked

"It's been rough." He teased "We just got back from spending a little time back home for our birthdays." He explained

"Cool. 21 right?"

"Yep." He said proudly.

"Best birthday there is." I commented, trying to keep up the friendly conversation.

"Oh! I thought I'd let you know we have company tonight, just a friend of Ryan and I's. Didn't want you out of the loop."

"Alright cool." I rested my head back on the seat until we arrived at our destination.

I walked into the familiar apartment, my suitcase in tow.

"I hope you don't mind sleeping on the futon, that's all the extra we got right now."

"I don't mind."

I pulled my suitcase up onto the futon and walked back out to the living area to chat with the guys.

"Hey Mark! It's nice to see you!" Ryan said happily.

"Hey Ryan."

"You good dude? Your hands..." He commented glancing down at my trembling fingers

"Ah yeah, I'm fine." I shoved my hands in my pockets and smiled kindly at him.

"I think that's him!" Daniel said, getting up to answer the door.

The guys and I spent the whole day making and editing videos and all-around chilling. I had to admit, it was nice to relax with some friends to take my mind off things. But that wasn't what I was here to do. I needed to find a way to (y/n). I craved her voice, smile, and happy personality. I had missed it for so long. I was becoming desperate for it, but this time I wasn't going to throw it away.

"Hey Mark, this is Abel!"

Your P.O.V
I woke up bright and early and cleaned myself up for my first day of work. It didn't take me super long to put on my usual makeup and straighten my hair. After that I was out the door, ready for my first day.
The day went by in the blink of an eye, and before I knew it I was closing up for the night. I fumbled with the keys shutting and locking the stubborn back door. It was only about 8, so the sky was still a dim shade of blue. A few clouds scattered the sky. As I peered up at the clouds, the memory of Mark and I popped into my head. I had been working so hard to try and forget him, because just thinking of him now was pulling me down. I shook the thought of him out of my mind and stood up a tad bit straighter. A faint smile danced on my lips as I shoved the keys into my pocket and headed home.

Once I arrive home, I changed into sweatshorts and a simple crop top. My phone dinged signaling a new text message. I opened it up and saw it was from Abel.

A: -how was your day?-

Y: -it was lovely, thanks for asking.-

A: -no problem.-

Y: - how about you? Any plans for the rest of the night?-

A: -my day was great, and I'm just hanging with some friends of mine.-

Y: -party?-

A: -ha. if you call me and three other guys drinking a party.-

Y: -sounds like a blast.-

A: -you should come and hang with us.-

Y: -eh. just got into comfy clothes.-

A: -you can wear 'em here. We aren't ones to judge.-

Y: -your buddies don't mind?-

A: -nope.-

Y: -I guesss.-

A: -cool. I can be there in 5 minutes.-

Y: -I'll be here.-

The texts stopped and I went into the bathroom to fix up my makeup a little, throwing my hair into a messy bun. I turned in the mirror glancing at my pale-ish skin. I wasn't pale pale. I just wasn't California tan.

A: -outside.-

I smiled at his text and threw some flip-flops on. His car horn beeped as I made my way down the cement stairs. I pulled the door open and plopped down in his passenger seat.

"Wow. Comfy clothes or not, you look pretty damn good." He stated, the smell of alcohol wafting from his lips.

"You aren't too bad yourself." I smiled, a blush rising in my cheeks.

He put the car in gear and cranked the radio. We coasted down the road with the windows down. I decided to pull my hair out of my bun, letting it blow in the wind.

"So you liking California so far?" He yelled over the music.

"Loving it!" I squealed, lifting myself halfway out of his sun roof.

He laughed and turned the music up louder. The wind played with my hair, sending it in many different directions. I sang along with song, more yelling than singing. We stopped at a red light and I fell back into my seat in a fit of laughter.

"Your smile is so contagious." Abel laughed, pressing his foot to the gas as the light turned green.

We turned into the complex and found a parking spot. I fumbled for the knob and turned down the volume before he shut off the car.

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