•|Chapter 26|•

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"You know, I need to run today, I've taken too many days off. You should join me." She smiled and dug her toes into the warm sand.

"a-uh... You wouldn't be able to keep up." I stumbled for words as I tried to back myself out of the situation. Running? Not really my thing.

She glanced back at me and smirked, raising an eyebrow. Her head then focused back to the ground where the waves danced across her feet.

"What?" I chuckled when I saw her quizzical expression.

"You really think you could beat me?"

"I know I could."

"Okay 'Mr. I'm better at everything'. I bet you right now that yeah, you could beat me in a 100 yard dash, but I'd pummel you in a distance run. I'm thinking 3 miles?"

"Woah woah woah. I didn't agree to any of this." I laughed

"What? You afraid? Need some practice is all." She turned to face me and shined her pearly whites.

"Practice? Ha. 3 miles is easy peasy."

"Oh is it?" She gazed into my eyes for the answer.

I ran a hand through my hair and broke eye contact, glancing down at my bare feet.

"Let's do it. Right now." She challenged.

"Right now?"

"Right now."

"You're kidding." I asked, honestly hoping she was.

Her smile led to laughter. "Of course I'm kidding Mark. You can't run 3 miles without a decent pair of shoes on. I mean come on, you should know that since you're such a pro."

"I-I did know that!" I stammered, a smirk forming on my lips.

"Mhm sure you did." She placed a hand on my bare chest and pushed off, turning in the direction of the sea.

I over-dramatically stumbled back. "Hey! No pushing allowed."

"Oh yeah?" She waded out into the water slowly.

"Yeah!" I argued.

She tugged at the bottom hem of her swimsuit coverup and pulled it oh-so-gingerly over her head. I couldn't help but stare as she did so, revealing a black one piece (that was practically a bikini if you asked me) because it had an abundance of well placed cut-outs. It hugged her figure nicely while showing off a decent amount of skin.

"Runners legs!" She shouted as she turned around playfully in the water, kicking one of her legs in the air.

Her voice snapped me out of my trance, her statement causing a smile to crawl onto my face.

"Whatever! Lifting arms!" I chuckled and flexed my biceps.

"C'mon, aren't you gonna get in?" She giggled and walked further into the water.

I peered down at the waves that lapped at my feet and shuddered at the thought of the unknown underneath the water.

"I'm just gonna hang out here, you know-work on my tan and stuff." I called out.

"You can't take me to the beach and not get in the water!" She shouted, her hair blowing in the subtle breeze.

"Yes I can!"

She faced me and stuck out her bottom lip. "Please?"

"I'm not a big fan of the ocean." I mumbled


"Uh.." I scratched the back of my head nervously. "I don't necessarily like swimming in large bodies of water."

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