•|Chapter 6|•

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"Ugh I'm hunngryyy." I whined

"Then eat something." Mark replied sassily.

"Oh ok smart ass, what do you suggest? Cardboard?" I teased

"Yeah. Protein."

We were working on the last room, his bedroom. He was bent over a box full of clothes.

"You know what-?" I ran over and tackled him to the ground, laughing the entire time.

"Ow! What was that for?" He chuckled

He laid flat on his back as I perched on all fours over his body.

"For suggesting I eat cardboard!" I smirked as I pulled a pair of boxers with hearts printed on them from the nearest box.

"Cute!" I snorted, unable to contain my laughter

"Hey! Gimme those!" He said, obviously embarrassed.

He reached for them, but I pulled them out of his grasp and ran out of the room. He darted after me as I came to an abrupt stop in the living room. I was then tackled onto the couch as he pulled the boxers from my hands. His body was pressed against mine and I found his eyes glancing towards my lips.

"Oh no, no, no lover boy!" I laughed pushing him off my chest. "Now that I'm suddenly single-"

"I didn't even know you had a boyfriend, you flirt!" He yelled playfully.

"Didn't think you'd want to be a rebound."

"Oh but I do." He smirked, pulling me back to his chest and pressing his soft lips onto mine.

I gasped at the sudden movement but fell into the kiss, feeling the warmth spread across my cheeks. My stomach danced at the action until he pulled away. He laughed and pulled the band of his boxers over his head.

I sat in silence examining his smiling face.

"Kiss so good I stole your voice?" He chuckled.

I blushed and hung my head low, not only wanting something to eat but also the return of his lips on mine. He must've been thinking the same as he pulled my face up to meet his and collided his lips with mine once again. I smiled into the kiss and felt the explosions that rumbled in my belly.

He slowly pulled away leaving his bottom lip -and my top lip- to part last.

"Wow I uh-." He said awkwardly.

I smirked gently patting his knee and removing my body off the couch. "When I said I was hungry, I meant food-wise Mark. Not you." I called from the kitchen jokingly.

"Too bad!" He teased grabbing me by the hips and pulling me into his chest.

"Mark! All I want to do is order pizza! Let me go!"

"Kiss me first!"

My cheeks flushed pink. "Mark I already did. Twice. Now let go."

"Correction! I kissed you. You didn't kiss me." He said.

"I just want pizza." I whined

"Well I'm not letting go."

"You should." I teased before turning around and holding his face, bringing it down a bit so we were eye to eye.

I bit my lip and swore I saw his eyes roll back.

"God Mark! You're such a dork!" I yelled, quickly escaping his grasp.

"Woah, woah! Hey! You can't leave me hanging like that! We had a deal!" He called as I grabbed my phone and dialed Little Caesars.

He came up behind me about to yell, then noticed I was on the phone. I put a finger to my mouth to shush him, and smiled.

He almost pulled the phone straight out of my hand, but they answered just in time.

"Uh hey yes, can I get a half hamburger half pepperoni pizza please?" The worker agreed and I gave him the address.

I took my sweet time pulling the phone from my ear and pressing "end call", as Mark was still staring at me.

"You're creepy as hell." I giggled, walking past him and back to one of the guest bedrooms that he had turned into some sort of recording office.

"hey I wanna show you the one good thing about a small town." He said mockingly

"And what is that?" I teased continuing the same conversation as yesterday.

"My bedroom." He chuckled

"I knew you were thinking that! You really thought I'd do that on the second day?" I giggled finding myself in a black office chair.

"Well your boyfriend thought so." He joked, and I know he meant it in a funny manner, but the words stung.

I turned the chair around and stared at the computer monitor.

"That was too soon. I'm sorry." He apologized

"I'm not like that." I whispered shaking my head back and forth.

"Of course not! I didn't - you know some times I wish a had filter between here and here." He said pointing to the top of his head and his mouth.

"Nah it's ok."

"No it's not. That was douchey thing to say."

I sat silently, thinking of all the fun times I had spent with Spencer and how -oddly enough- none of them even came close to the experience I had with Mark at the park. *Rhyming n' stuff*

"Don't overthink." He said, staring down at me with a concerned look on his face.

I smiled. "Don't worry. I'm not."

"I -uh I think you still owe me something." He breathed

"Forget it Mark."

The doorbell rang and I ran past him to get to the door.

"That'll be $11.43."

"Oh Markkk!?" I called from the door.

He sighed as he came down the stairs holding his wallet.

"On it." He smiled at the guy and handed him the money.

I hungrily snatched the pizza from his hands and ran back up the stairs. Mark followed up after me. I was already snacking on a slice by the time he reached the box.

"You know, I've never felt as close to a person as I do with you. And I don't even know your middle name." I muffled through a bite of pizza.



"My middle name. It's Edward."


"So that's it, you aren't gonna tell me yours?" He asked


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