•|Chapter 13|•

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I woke up around 8 to Mark's quiet snoring. I pushed myself out of bed and threw my joggers back on, remembering we had company. When I walked out into the living room Wade was still sound asleep, sprawled out on the couch. Loud snores escaped his lips. Loud enough to wake himself up, or someone at least. Surprisingly, he stayed asleep, his legs hanging slightly over the arm of the couch. I giggled and made my way into the kitchen finding the ingredients to make pancakes. I didn't know how many the guys wanted so I ended up making eleven in total, two for me and three each for the boys. If they wanted more I could make more. I sat at the table slowly coating my pancakes in syrup, the warm sugary smell filling my nose.

"Yum." I heard from the living room, only to see a tired Wade stretching his sleeping muscles.

"Breakfast is ready whenever you are." I said and smiled sweetly at his tired face.

"Wow thanks."

"It's my pleasure."

He stuck a fork in one of the pancakes and plopped it down on one of the ceramic plates. He continued until there were four pancakes stacked in total on his plate. Next was Mark, a booming yawn coming from the hallway. He stood behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders, rubbing them gently.

"Good morning." I smiled, taking another bite of pancake.

"Morning." He mumbled, his voice almost a deep growl.

"I smell pancakes." Bob stated from the hallway.

"You smelled right." I giggled forking another bite into my mouth and chewing.

"Does she do this all the time?" Wade said through a mouth full of pancake.

"Nah she usually just makes herself something." Mark answered.

"It's because you're usually awake before I am and I figured you've already had breakfast." I pouted.

Bob came out with four pancakes on his plate also. Mark walked in to get some I'm guessing but was greeted with nothing but a plate with a single pancake left.

"Woah." He called "Where'd they all go?"

"Early bird gets the worm." Wade chuckled

I couldn't stop the smile that danced on my lips.

"Hold on, I'll make more." I sighed placing my empty plate in the sink.

"Your such a charmer." Mark said sarcastically, winking before returning to the table.

I shook my head with a smile and poured more pancake batter into the griddle. That same song that was stuck in my head yesterday glued itself back into my brain. Although this time I remembered more of the words. I hummed anyways, as I wasn't confident with my voice and played the words over in my head.

♪ and you're like a shoulder to turn to...

'cause certain things burn just when we're hanging on for dear life.

we held on so tight.

and you keep coming back, coming back again. keep running round, running round, running round my head.♪

Loud laughter interrupted my thoughts. I leaned my body away from the griddle so I could see them all joking away at the table. I smiled and returned to flipping pancakes. Once the pancakes were all cooked to a golden color I slapped them on a plate and set them in front of a hungry looking Mark. Since I was done eating I decided to go back to Mark's bedroom and gather my stuff.

Maybe it was time. To tell him how I felt. To cease the waiting. Did I feel ready? Hell if I knew. He felt...right? Like every piece of me fit perfectly with him.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and eavesdropped on the boys' conversation.

"Yeah I- uh actually have a date tonight." Mark's low voice rumbled quietly.

"With (y/n)?" Wade asked

I held my breath and waited for his response.

"Nah. Chick named Victoria."

I felt my breath catch in my throat.

"Dude that's low."

"What's low?"

"(Y/n) pretty much lives with you." Wade whispered aggressively.

"So what? All she wants to be is friends!"

"So that's it? Your just gonna move on? Not your best decision Mark."

"Man, I don't know! You're making it sound like it's a terrible decision!"

"That's because it is a terrible decision." Bob butted in.

"Does she think I'm gonna wait forever?"

"Mark. It's been a week and a half."


I pulled myself from the door and stood up straight, running to the bathroom to hide the noise of my faint cries.

What was I doing? If he didn't want to wait, fine. He wasn't worth my time anyways.

I gave myself a quick pep-talk in the mirror and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

I don't know what had gotten into me. Actually that's a lie. I did. It was a mixture of pure jealousy and heartbreak. Being the mature person I was, I handled it like I thought was best. Which in the end, probably wasn't best. Or mature. I folded my clothes neatly, tearing off Mark's t-shirt and tossing it on his bed. I held all my belongings in my hand and casually walked over to the stairs that led to the front door.

"W-where are you going?" Mark asked

"Oh I don't know. Anywhere but here really." I replied sweetly.

A look of pure confusion shot across Mark's face.


"I don't think I'll be back. So don't wait. It'd be a shame to keep you waiting forever." I spat, my last words dripping in hatred.

Before a single word came from his mouth, I left and pulled the door firmly shut behind me. A tiny voice in my head cheered me on saying: "you go girl!" ... But everything else felt torn to shreds and broken. I don't know why I expected him to run after me, calling my name, begging for me to come back. I knew it wasn't going to happen.

It took everything inside of me not to collapse on the ground in a puddle of my own tears. It felt like the night Spencer left, but about five-hundred times worse. I hiccuped, but kept a straight face, finally returning to my house. The moment I got inside I threw my clothes on the ground and fell into the couch. My toes curled under as I laid very still on the cushioned material. I tried taking a deep breath, but every single time it caught in my throat, making it difficult to breath. Never again.

Never again.

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