•|Chapter 27|•

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Your P.O.V
"-and when I came back from looking at the bedrooms you were standing there in the window. Your palms were flattened towards the sun like- I don't even know what you were doing exactly, but you looked so peaceful, so at ease, like everything just slipped from your mind. But then I had to go and ruin it." He smiled and threw his hands in the air as he talked.

I silently listened and smiled along with him, remember the day in clear detail. We were both sitting on the sand, close enough that when the tide rolled in it touched our toes.

"Then I told you I wanted that house and I left. And that my friend, is the first day we met." He sped through to the end rather quickly.

"I don't even want to count that as the first day we met. Sure it was the first time we've actually ever seen each other, but I like the park story so much better." I stated, staring off at the baby blue sky and hugging my knees to my chest.

"Yeah. That day was amazing, other than the fact your boyfriend came storming in and interrupted our 'date'."

I playfully slugged him in the arm and chuckled.

"You want to go walk around? Maybe grab some ice cream or something?" He suggested

"I'd love to." I stood up and slipped my swimsuit coverup back over my body.

The breeze lightly tugged on my sandy beach-hair. Now this was something I could get used to. The sand sank under my feet and left little indentations as I walked across the sand and up to the boardwalk area. It wasn't long before we walked past an open ice cream shop. We both walked inside, instantly greeted with the pleasure of air conditioning.

"What can I getcha?" A younger girl smiled and met her eyes with mine before looking at Mark.

"Wait- your the - uh- you're Markiplier?" She stuttered, staring lovingly into his eyes.

"That's me." He nodded with a small smile.

"Oh my goodness. Can I have a picture? Pretty please?"

"Uh yeah of course."

She whipped out her phone from her back pocket and ran around the counter so she stood next to Mark.

"(Y/n)? Will you take the picture?" Mark asked innocently.

"I'd love to."

But as the girl set her phone in my hand, she practically growled at me and gave me the nastiest look I'd ever seen. I hesitated slightly before pulling the phone upwards. She was leaning into Mark's side with a wide smile and he did the same.

"1, 2, 3.." I counted and snapped the picture.

"One more! A silly one." She squealed.

Mark nodded and knelt down slightly, with his tongue hanging out.

"Say cheese!"

As I said that, she pressed her lips on his cheek right as I took the picture.

"Cute." I chuckled and handed her phone back to her.

Until I Met You (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now