•|Chapter 18|•

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Mark's P.O.V
I walked up to the front door and stood staring blankly at the dark wood. I raised my hand to knock, but hesitated. I finally convinced myself it was a chance I was willing to take, so I knocked on the door and waited for a response. Nothing. I knocked again this time a little louder. After about a minute the doorknob started to jiggle indicating someone was messing with the lock. I stepped back when the door swung open to reveal (y/n)'s mother.

"What do you want?" She grumbled

I'm guessing she must've known about he whole thing, how could she not have? I nervously scratched the back of my neck.

"I was looking for (y/n)."

"She's not here. Won't be here. She left." She said quietly.

"Won't be here? What do you mean?"

"Took a plane to California earlier this morning."

"For a visit?"

"No. She moved out." She stared at me blankly.

The pieces started to fit together in my head. "She moved to California?"

"Yep." She sighed. "Landed about an hour ago."

I could feel the life draining from my face. I missed her. I was too late. Two months had gone by, and I had done nothing.

That's when an idea popped into my head.

"Thank you." I replied to her and sprinted off towards my house.

As soon as I got inside I dialed my friend Daniel's number(from Cyndago). He answered after the third ring.

"Hey Mark! How's it going?"

"I'm good. How are you guys?" I tried my best to sound calm and collected as I hopped on my computer and searched for available flights.

"We're good, what's up?"

"Uh, I was just going to ask you a favor."

"Sure, anything dude. What's going on?"

"I'm coming up to visit, and I was wondering if I could stay with you guys just for the time being."

"Of course, man. When are you flying up?"

I clicked through airlines and affordable prices for tickets. I finally found one and clicked on it, scheduling my flight for tomorrow.

"I'm actually flying up tomorrow. I apologize for such late notice. Does that still work?"

"Sure. Looking forward to seeing ya."

I accidentally dropped my phone- the cause being my hands shaking uncontrollably. I quickly picked it up off the ground and resumed our conversation.

"Seriously, thank you so much. You guys are the best."

"Ah it's nothing, Mark. You're always welcome."

"You sure?"

"Yep. Just call me or Ryan when your plane lands and we'll pick you up."

"Alright. Sounds good. Thanks again." I replied, almost dropping my phone a second time.

"No problem. Seeya soon." He responded

I pulled the screen from my face and discontinued the call. I raced to my room and started throwing random things into a suitcase. Toothbrush, check. Shirts, check. Shorts, check. Underwear? ..check.
I piled everything into my bag in under 5 minutes. I realized I was no longer in a rush since my flight wasn't until the next morning.

An uneasy feeling started to bubble inside of me. Who am I kidding? What was I expecting? For her to just suddenly accept me back- arms wide open? I cradled my head in my hands and thought. It just wasn't going to happen. I know it wasn't going to be easy, but I had to try. If she wanted me to wait, I'd wait. I'd wait until the world stopped spinning for her. I'd do anything just to have her back in my arms, my fingers in her hair, the taste of her lips on mine. My stomach interrupted my thoughts, letting out a rather loud growl. I picked myself off my bed and stumbled into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed some fruit and stuff for a sandwich.
Your P.O.V
I strolled through the grocery store, plucking out items that looked good. baby carrots, dip, milk, bread, salad mix, fruits & veggies, peanut butter, etc. After I filled my cart with the necessities I checked out and headed home. My arms felt weak under the weight of all the bags of food as I trudged up the stairs.

"You need any help?"

I didn't even turn around, but stopped on my spot on the stairs and laughed.

"What's so funny?" The voice came again, this time close behind me.

"Are people in L.A. actually this nice?"

"Some are." A large hand grazed against my arm grabbing four grocery sacks off my wrist.

I finally turned my head, taking in a taller man with very masculine features. His hair was a curly brown that framed his face in just the right way. His eyes looked like the sea themselves- a bright ocean blue.

"The names Abel." He smiled and stuck out his open hand.

"(Y/n)." I replied, fitting my hand into his.

"It's nice to meet you." He grinned

I might of started drooling at his jawline if he hadn't mentioned the groceries.

"Oh yeah." I sputtered, shaking out of my trance.

I lifted the key from my purse and stuck it into the door with my open hand. My foot nudged the door, pushing it open so we could walk in. He followed behind me, setting the groceries on the kitchen counter.

"Did you just move in?" He said gesturing to my lack of decorating.

"Yeah today actually. It's a little boring right now, I know. I'm working on it." I giggled

"You have a beautiful smile." He commented out of the blue.

I felt my cheeks flush. "Er.. Thanks?"

"No problem."

He walked over to the door and opened it.

"I live underneath you, so don't do too much stomping." He said and winked in my direction.

"Wouldn't dream of it." I breathed

"Hope you like it here. You know what? You should give me a call sometime. We can just chill ya know? Grab a few drinks maybe?" He suggested

"Totally." I blushed pulling out my phone, eagerly waiting for him to take it from my hands and type his number.

He programmed it into my phone and left with a simple "seeya around."

The thought of decorating swarmed in my head driving me to leave my apartment, yet again to look around IKEA.

I bought a patterned rug for the living room and a few simple paintings. I decided to go all out and buy a TV for the living room as well. I invested in some lights to drape around my bed and a few things to hang up in there as well, including a map of the world and a pair of deer antlers that were spray painted gold.

As I was walking I ran into some picture frames that I had ideas for, so I grabbed them and added them to my pile. I reminded myself I needed a bed spread, so I walked to that area and picked out white sheets and a fluffy white comforter. I also grabbed a bedspread for the guest room along with some lights and a few decorations for the desk. Walking out of IKEA I felt proud, but slightly broke. They had accepted me at this coffee shop not far from my apartment and told me I was to start working as soon as possible, so I'll be going in tomorrow.

It was only my first day, and I was already loving California.

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