•|Chapter 29|•

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"Nope. Not happening again."

"Mark. It gets easier."


"You can't tell me that you don't feel on top of the world right now. The after feeing is the best part!"

I thought for a second about how I felt. Tired, out of breath, in need of something to eat. But I had to admit after I had started to catch my breath, a state of euphoria had started to phase it's way into my mind. Maybe it was the running, maybe it was (y/n). Maybe it was both. This feeling surged through my body and pulled my sour mood into a pleasant one. By the time it had taken to kick in, (y/n) had already showered and was making brunch.

"Let's do something!" I said out of the blue, jumping up from my spot on the couch.

(y/n) laughed at my sudden outburst yet didn't avert her eyes from the food.

"Ok. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. It's my last day I wanna do something exciting." I replied, thinking of ideas in my head.

"Oh right." she seemed saddened by the thought, as was I.

"But you'll come and visit? Back in Omaha?" I asked

"Yeah. I'll be back for the majority of the holidays."

She dished a heap of scrambled eggs along with two sausages onto a plate.

"We can figure it out over breakfast."

I watched as she smiled while walking over to the table to set down the plates. She glanced in my direction with a questioning look.

"You hungry?"

"Yeah." I nodded my head and made my way over to the spot she had set for me.

We began digging into our food with activities for the day in our heads.

"Not the beach again." I mumbled

"I'm not really feeling something too informational. Something fun." she added

We sat in silence for a couple minutes, deep in thought until her head instantly perked up and she smiled at me deviously.


--Your P.O.V--

"Let's go skydiving."

"You're kidding."

"I am not." I smiled through a forkful of eggs.

"Ok. Let's do it." he answered.

"Wait but do you have to make like reservations or anything?" I asked

"You came up with the idea!"

I laughed before finishing my last bite and placing my dish into the sink. I immediately went to my phone to search for the nearest skydiving provider.


"Got anything?" Mark asked, resting his head on the doorframe.

"Well there is this one guy.."

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go!" he dashed out of the room and what sounded like down the hallway.

I rolled my eyes and pushed myself out of my seat before following after him.

"This is going to be SO much fun. I'm absolutely terrified." he shouted cheerfully.

After slipping our shoes on we rushed out of the house and into the car, making our way to the small airport. Upon arriving, we were greeted by a friendly older man and what appeared to be his son.

"Thank you so much for taking us in in such short notice." I said whilst taking the older man's hand in mine.

"No problem. Names Ted." he introduced

"And my names Elliott." the younger one said, keeping his eye on Mark.

"So you want to skydive?"

"Hell yeah." Mark said enthusiastically.

I slapped his arm and peered at the men with an apologetic look.

"Yes. We want to skydive."

The old man shook his head and laughed as he turned towards a large building. Of course, we followed close behind him as he -very descriptively- went over every single rule and regulation. We arrived inside the hangar and practiced pulling parachute cords and flying techniques. In total it was about two hours before we actually got into the small plane. We were both dressed in the required suits with goggles and the heavy backpack on our shoulders.

"You understand everything, correct?" Ted spoke into the mic that transmitted into our rather large headphones.

I stuck both of my thumbs up to signal that I was good. Mark was practically half out of the plane looking over the land. He was pointing and laughing at something with Elliott, who was right by his side. The adrenaline in my body started to build higher and higher along with the anxiousness. Honestly, this is the scariest thing I have ever done.

"You ready for this?" I shouted to Mark

"No!" he smiled and turned his head back to the landscape.

"We'll have a team down where you land." Elliott explained as he lined us up by the open door.

The wind was playing with my hair, throwing it this way and that. Mark eagerly grabbed my hand and we stood for a while waiting for the signal.

"Nows as good a time as ever!" Ted shouted "Have fun! Be safe!"

I looked down at my feet and to the thousands of feet below. What was I doing?

"I can't do it!"

"Yes you can!" Mark screamed back as he tugged my hand into the open air.

It was heavenly. The feeling. I was flying, floating actually. Was I dead? My stomach felt like it had dropped so far, it was no longer an organ in my body. It took me a second to realize my eyes were squeezed shut. I pried them open and glanced at Mark. His arms were spread wide along with his legs, keeping him at a nice gliding speed. I was doing the same. I experimented and tucked my arms and legs in, causing me to shoot at an even faster speed than before. My body twirled before I brought my arms back out again. Mark was still floating above me. Laughter flooded my lungs and poured out into the open air.

"C'mon Mark!"

"I'm coming!" he squealed as he repeated what I had just done to get to my level.

He held his hands out and I grabbed them tight in mine as we flew through the cloud streaked sky. We had gotten to the point where it was time to pull the parachute chord, so I let go of his hands and forced myself to fall in an almost standing position. It may sound like all of this was done calmly, but really my heart was beating faster than we were dropping. I tightened my fingers around the loop and pulled, waiting for an abrupt tug upwards. It didn't happen. My parachute didn't release no matter how hard I pulled on the loop and my body began to shake violently. Finally, I pulled with all I could, my parachute opened. My arm was positioned incorrectly during my struggle, so as soon as the parachute unfolded I heard an awful cracking sound. I realized then that parachute didn't open correctly, leaving me plummeting to the ground way too quickly to comprehend.

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