•|Chapter 15|•

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Mark's P.O.V

I can't even think straight. I burped and giggled at the slightly tipsy Victoria. She was a pretty girl, I must admit. Her hair was a deep shade of black that reached about mid-back. And her eyes a light gray, slightly glazed over, but pretty none the less. She laughed at one of the things I said, and placed her hand over mine on the bar counter. I bit my lip and glanced at her attire, a slim red dress with an open back and strappy silver heels. As I wandered my gaze back to her face, instead of seeing Victoria's gray eyes and dark hair, I saw (y/n). She threw her head back in laughter and took another sip of her beer.


Just as her name escaped my mouth Victoria turned back into Victoria. I shook my head back and forth trying to forget what happened.



"Who's (y/n)?" She asked

I stopped myself from making eye contact just in case it happened again.

"Ah, just an old friend of mine. No biggie."

The bartender walked in front of me, took my empty glass, and filled it. I sat numbly, rubbing my thumbs against the cold glass.

Victoria patted my shoulder. "Oh I don't know. Anywhere but here really."

I whipped my head around- (y/n)'s voice playing in my ears.

"What'd you say?" I asked

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back..." She said hesitantly "Are you okay?"

"Hm me? Yeah. I'm fine."

Her hand left my shoulder as she walked back to the bathroom.

What the hell is going on? I ran my hands along the sides of my head and thought. A guilty feeling started to swell in my chest, but I swallowed it down. I sat up a little straighter as Victoria returned from the bathroom.

"Hey- I uh I'm not feeling to hot, I think I should head home." I said hesitantly.

"Ok. It was nice to get to know you Mark. Maybe we can do this again?" She replied with a smile



And with that I payed the bartender and left. The drive home was a bit risky. My hands for one, wouldn't stop shaking. My mind was filled with fog and for some reason all I wanted to do was sleep. I got home in one piece, glancing at (y/n)'s house before stepping inside my own. The light from her room streamed through her opened window, casting a slight glow over the roof. My mind wondered aimlessly at what she could be doing right now. I don't miss her. I chose this. I brushed her out of my head and went into my room, collapsing onto my unmade bed.

Your P.O.V

I sat quietly flipping through open apartments on my bed. After a good three hours of searching, I gave up and decided to call my dad. The phone rang for a while, until an unfamiliar voice answered.


"Hey. It's (y/n)."

I could feel the tension in the silence between us. There was a long pause from his side until finally he broke it.

"Hey. What's up?"

I was shocked by his sudden "friendly" response.

"Ah, I thought I'd call just to talk. Because all I've known is to ignore you, so I want to change that?" I questioned myself repeating the sentence over in my head.

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